The Movie Database Support Forum


Does the API support production companies based on type? For example, If I wanted to filter by 'theatrical', would that be possible? In the current response I only see ID, logo_path, name and origin_country.

Thank you for this API. It has been a blast to work with!

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Hi @cclimarketing,

Right now we're not tracking any differences among production companies. Thinking about this a bit, it might be a hard thing to do given how media is released today. A single company can work on media that's released in theatres, digital first, VOD or on traditional TV. The lines are so blurry now days.

What's the higher level idea that you are looking for specifically?

Hi Travis,

Thanks for getting back to me. I realize this is fairly use case scenario. For context, our sister company licenses movies to be played in churches / organization. Those licenses are based on theatrical released distribution.

We are looking forward to contributing to the database as we start to use it more.

Thank you!

OK, got it. Unfortunately there isn't really a way to filter like that.

I'm happy to answer Ny other question you might have in the future.

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