The Movie Database Support Forum

Hey everyone,

I'm developing a small clone of themovieDB in react js.

I noticed one thing what looks awesome pagination. How would I go about requesting more data from the API without encountering duplicates ? By default it looks like 20 but I see like 99 + pages on the movies and tv section.

How could I accomplish this ?

Any form of feedback related to this would be awesome



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Hi Alex,

What kind of request are you looking to make? A paginated request looks like the following:


Each page contains 3 fields useful for pagination, page, total_results and total_pages. You can make your own choices about what to do with the available pages. One more thing to note, we only let you access up to page 1000 (the top 20,000 items) of any request.


I'm using v4 Lists and have a list with 144 items in it. I'm trying to pull the entire list results into a Google sheet but I'm only getting 20 of the 144 items. Is there a way to pull all the results via v4 API (eg. 'page=all' or something to this effect), or do I have to make a specific GET request for each of the 8 pages?

Hi @tylerkinglee,

Unfortunately, no. You have to page through each page like I show above.

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