The Movie Database Support Forum

Hey guys

Im just wondering what im doing wrong here. Im trying to import a list from imdb that ive made. Its a bunch of kiwi films that arnt currently on letterboxd. Although ive been spending alot of time on TMDB recently too. Its CSV file that was exported from IMDB. Is there some step i am missing?

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Ive made a google drive folder with the excel file and a screen shot of whats happened -

Hi @binocularbath,

That message is saying we either don't have the item added to TMDb, or at a bare minimum the IMDb ID added to the record. I looked at the first ID (tt1988604) and it doesn't look like it's an entry that has been added to TMDb yet.

We'd love to see those entries added to TMDb but it is something you'd have to do by manually. You can create a new movie by clicking this link.

ahhhh, ok ok, that makes sense. There is no way to mass import films that arnt on TMDB from IMDB. is there a script or anything like that?

There is no way to mass import films that arnt on TMDB from IMDB.

That is correct, there is no way to import data from any 3rd party. TMDb is 100% crowd sourced.

Roger, ok thanks heaps for your help

Love your site

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