The Movie Database Support

TV Acting (and, Im sure, other types of) credits are not sorted correctly. They go by the year the show on the whole first aired, not by the year the actor in question appeared on the show. Needless to say, the two can differ wildly.

Example: The show Black Mirror first aired in 2011. Actress Rosemarie DeWitt has appeared on just one episode of the show, the 2nd episode of its 4th season, aired in 2017.

However, if you look at her "Actor" credits, you will find "Black Mirror" listed under the year 2011, the year of the show's first season.

I'm posting this under 'Website Support' because it clearly is not a content issue, but rather one of general rules of presentation for TV credits.

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Hi @SydneyFife,

This is currently by design. I have an open ticket to think about this here but it requires a decent amount of work to change which is why we use the show/movie release date instead.

Hi @travisbell,

Has the situation changed since then?

And is it just as complicated to implement something similar in the API? For me it would be really helpful if the /person/{person_id}/tv_credits method returned the air dates of the first and last episode the person is in. I don’t know how episode_count is calculated, but is it perhaps possible to get these two dates in this process?

The situation has not changed yet. My open ticket for this is located here. The model behind this is a bit simpler than it was back in 2018 but no work has been done on it yet.

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