The Movie Database Support Forum

Hey Travis,

Firstly, I wanted to say congratulations on building such an incredible website! I'm a developer/designer myself, and I can tell just how much work you have put into the website with the gorgeous, minimalist UI and all of the functionality included within it. Amazing job... I'm a fan!

Currently, I'm building a mobile app using your API for the database and have been pulling data OK so far.

I did notice that there's no data on where to rent movies online, which is something that my app will rely on. I have contacted a few different providers on my own about this, but wanted to get your input as well.

Have you ever worked with rental URLs for movies (e.g. Amazon, Vudu, YouTube, etc.)?

Any input would be appreciated.


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Hi @squadflick,

Thanks for the kind words blush

With regards to your question, no, not really. It's not ever really been a priority for me.


Thanks for the quick reply!

Got it! I'll keep talking to different providers on my end.

Thanks again!

No problem. Ya, TMDb has all the infrastructure and ability to be a good source for 3rd party ids but it's just never been part of our core product.

Best of luck!

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