The Movie Database Support Forum


I have some questions about daily file exports. For example, I can export movies and people but I can't see which actors act on which movie.

1) does others export exist? (link between people and movies, movies and collection ...)

2) I know that I can use TMBD API to have these informations but only movie by movie or people by people. How I can save these informations?


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Hi @yasdev8,

1) does others export exist? (link between people and movies, movies and collection ...)

No. As I mentioned in the docs, these are not, nor intended to be full data exports.

2) I know that I can use TMBD API to have these informations but only movie by movie or people by people. How I can save these informations?

You would have to iterate over the IDs to get the relevant data you are looking for. This is a good example of what the daily exports are good for as you know in advance the ids to query.

Thanks Travis ;)

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