The Movie Database Support Forum

I just discovered an invalid date here:

The date of death is set to " 201401-05-01". In the change feed it shows up as being fixed but actually that doesn't work as the interface returns an "invalid date" error message. I also tried to update it myself and it doesn't work. It looks like the interface is stricter than it was in the past so now it can't be fixed through the interface.

Can someone with more permissions fix that please?


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@clapton wrote:

I just discovered an invalid date here:

Thanks for your report! slight_smile

The date of death is set to " 201401-05-01". In the change feed it shows up as being fixed but actually that doesn't work as the interface returns an "invalid date" error message. I also tried to update it myself and it doesn't work. It looks like the interface is stricter than it was in the past so now it can't be fixed through the interface.

That's weird. Just now, I had no problems to change it via the interface the usual way. I can't explain why ...

Can someone with more permissions fix that please?

All fixed, I think. wink

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