The Movie Database Support Forum

I have added the German episode content for seasons 1 and 2 for "Stan Lee's Superhumans".

Samara erased everything - why?

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We can't use overviews from fernsehserien because they are copyrighted. Please read this topic.

but the overvies in fernsehserien is from RTL-II see: (Text: RTL II), not from fernsehserien, i think.

but okay, you can close it.

Yup, but chances are whatever the source, it is also copyrighted. German laws are a huge pain in the butt. smile_cat

I have seen the episodes and perhaps I will describe the content with my own short words. The names of superhumans with their superpowers are not under copyright, I think.

A copyright protects only the wording of a thought or idea, not the information itself. So yes, just paraphrase it and you should be safe.

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