The Movie Database Support Forum

Hello, I just tried to add which has recently been given a series order (it's still listed as a TV movie on IMDb), but as no episode titles or air dates have been announced this doesn't seem possible. Is it just a case of waiting until that information is released?

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It's probably better to wait. But if you choose to create the series, you can add a dummy date (e.g. 2018-10-31), Pilot as the title and create a short episode overview from the description. Then, as soon as the entry is created, remove any incorrect info. Or you could report the entry to let us know it's an upcoming series and ask us to remove the pilot. smiley_cat

@banana_girl said:

It's probably better to wait. But if you choose to create the series, you can add a dummy date (e.g. 2018-10-31), Pilot as the title and create a short episode overview from the description. Then, as soon as the entry is created, remove any incorrect info. Or you could report the entry to let us know it's an upcoming series and ask us to remove the pilot. smiley_cat

Thank you. Very late here; will have a think but will probably wait.

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