The Movie Database Support Forum

Hey Guys -

I'm trying to script something for my home theater and it would require referencing a text-based list as a source of all movies in the Horror genre which is updated daily. I read that it's seemingly possible to also grab the IMDB scores "using the find method" which would also be great yet isn't required. The only fields I'd need in the file are the movie's title, original title (if available), year, and optionally the current rating.

Hoping this would be relatively simple, I looked through the API documentation and tried a few things without luck so far. I did see the json files which are updated daily and was hoping I could download then apply a filter to them, but it doesn't seem to contain genre information.

Any suggestions on how to do this? I'd prefer a method compatible with Windows like Python and am playing with some of the wrappers right now, but Linux would be work if needed. Thanks!!

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Hi @bzowk,

I read that it's seemingly possible to also grab the IMDB scores "using the find method"

We do not have any IMDb rating data. The only piece of IMDb data we have is the IMDb ID. That's it. You can use the find methods to find media items with external ID's like IMDb.

Any suggestions on how to do this? I'd prefer a method compatible with Windows like Python and am playing with some of the wrappers right now, but Linux would be work if needed. Thanks!!

You can get a list of horror movies by using the /discover/movie method and with_genres filter. Something like this for example:

There's lots of different filters you can use as part of discover, so make sure to take a look at the documentation.

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