The Movie Database -tuki

hi there, I am using search movies section to find details of a movies by quering a movie title but i am not getting imdb_id . I treid append to response but it didn't worked any suggestions?

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I moved this to api support (:

Please, place your API Request here.
Without your API Key. Replace with MY_KEY.

Hi @em8962,

You'll want to iterate over the results of your search and query the get details method of each item In order to get the IMDB id. There's also a document that outlines the search & query workflow here.

Hi @em8962, ive had similar requirements i used PHP to achieve what i needed, its probably not the most efficient way but you should get rough idea.


function getExtern($id)
    $externId = ''.$id.'/external_ids?api_key=MY_API_KEY';// Dataset
    $html = json_decode(file_get_contents($externId),true); 
    $op= $html[imdb_id];// Extract required external Id's
    return $op;
 // get the initial page count of dataset

    $seedUrl    = "$mcount&sort_by=popularity.desc";
    $seedResults = json_decode(file_get_contents($seedUrl),true);

 // Itterate through dataset
// limmit page count so server doesnt get hammered.
    for($page = 1; $page <= $seedResults[total_pages]; $page++)
        $marray = 0;
        $html = json_decode(file_get_contents("$page"),true);
        $movieFilename  =   'moviedata/movielist-2007-'.$page.' of '.$seedResults[total_pages].'.txt';
            foreach($html['results'] as $result)
                $tempId = $result['id'];
                $movieResults[$marray]['id']            =   $tempId;
                $movieResults[$marray]['imdb_id']       =   getExtern($tempId);//Get imdb_id for current movie
                $movieResults[$marray]['title']         =   $result['original_title'];
                $movieResults[$marray]['overview']      =   $result['overview'];
                $movieResults[$marray]['release_date']  =   $result['release_date'];
                $movieResults[$marray]['genre_ids']     =   $result['genre_ids'];
        $encodedResults = json_encode($movieResults);
        //Save the JSON string to a text file.
        file_put_contents($movieFilename, $encodedResults);//Output and store data accordingly
    sleep(3);// limmit speed so server doesn't get hammered.

i use this as a means to get needed data this then enables me to handle, extract and manipulate data accordingly hope it helps and apologies for it being quick and dirty..

thanks so much @nwalker78 . It really helped me

@em8962 said:

thanks so much @nwalker78 . It really helped me

no problem, it's good to be able to help.

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