The Movie Database Support Forum

Hey, it would be nice to get the Episode number and season number by the episode name.

Basically I am using your API to scrape over recorded tv shows with this existing api method:{tv_id}/season/{season_number}/episode/{episode_number}?api_key=<<api_key>>&language=en-US

But to get the information, I need to know the season and episode number beforehand. I thought it would be nice if i could get the episode Information without the exact season and episode number, but just with the series and the episodes title...

For example Homeland (TMDB ID: 1407) Season 7 Episode 1: is Enemy of the State

With the current api:<<api_key>>&language=en-US

I think it would be great if something like{tv_id}/{episode_title}?api_key=<<api_key>>&language=en-US

in this example<<api_key>>&language=en-US

would have the same output... Is or would something like this be possible? What do you think?

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I don't think we'd ever support a lookup by name but, you can kind of do this on your own already. If you call the /season/{season_number} method, you get a list of all episodes with their names. You can then match that locally to know which episode query to make.

Great, I didn't know that was possible.

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