The Movie Database Support Forum

Wanted to show my success from yesterday to a colleague in the company. But my efforts from yesterday work only on my desktop at home. Same c# solution started on my desktop in the company -> no way :-(

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What did you take from your home to the company?
Hardware or Software?
Or both?

Just the Software C# Solution with the api key that works at home

I think with so little information, even someone who programs in C #, no one will be able to help.

Desktop1 at home (macadress1), my internetconnection at home:

I made a wpf testtool in c# & xaml. Applied with nugget TMDBdLib and the api key provided by Travis: private TMDbClient = new TMDbClient() <- the key provided. => Got movies casts posters images information, information either about person, everythig I wanted, in debug mode and as exe as well. Desktop2 at the company (macadress2), internetconnection of the company (somewhere else in the city):

Copied solution (testtool) in a mem-stick to take with for showing at a friend in the company. => Debug and exe errors on the first method of the tool: SearchContainer results = client.SearchMovieAsync(searchName).Result;

It's like the apikey provided would only work for the desktop a got the key, I'll try today to log in to with my registerd user **before **a debug the tool. But I'm afraid the api key works only on one macadress?? Or the key requested for "Application Type: Desktop Application" was the wrong choice.

THX for any help

P.D. It's not a problem of programmig, it's a problem of connection -> same tool, two different desktops, two diff. places

@raimondo said:

-> same tool, two different desktops, two diff. places

Have you checked if your company is using a Proxy or a Firewall, blocking the connection to the api? Or is a local firewall and or antivirus tool on your second desktop (at the company) blocking the connection? Maybe your C#-Tool isn't allowed to open Socket-Connections...

@mojodo said:

@raimondo said:

-> same tool, two different desktops, two diff. places

Have you checked if your company is using a Proxy or a Firewall, blocking the connection to the api? Or is a local firewall and or antivirus tool on your second desktop (at the company) blocking the connection? Maybe your C#-Tool isn't allowed to open Socket-Connections...

That's what I thought also, to the page and through the link with api-key via browser, no problem. To isolate the problem I'll try to use an open connection to the internet. THX for the hint. As long the api-key is not limit to one mac-adress everything's fine.

@raimondo said:

@mojodo said:

@raimondo said:

-> same tool, two different desktops, two diff. places

Have you checked if your company is using a Proxy or a Firewall, blocking the connection to the api? Or is a local firewall and or antivirus tool on your second desktop (at the company) blocking the connection? Maybe your C#-Tool isn't allowed to open Socket-Connections...

That's what I thought also, to the page and through the link with api-key via browser, no problem. To isolate the problem I'll try to use an open connection to the internet. THX for the hint. As long the api-key is not limit to one mac-adress everything's fine.

Success with last check. With an open connection it worked, so you must be right -> firewall rejects socket-connections. Thank you mojodo!!

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