The Movie Database Support Forum

For example, a germany movie "Schweigeminute". It's Chinese name is "默哀时刻". YOU can find it by "默哀时刻"and by "Schweigeminute",but can't by "默哀时刻.Schweigeminute"

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Combining a Mandarin and German title is just silly. So i do not see the problem :-)

@alltimemarr said:

Combining a Mandarin and German title is just silly. So i do not see the problem :-)

Sorry I don't write my content. My movies locate in my nas. My kodi use tmdb scraping metadata.MOST movies can download metadata by the Mandarin and English or German title,but some can't

Then you should rename your movie files..?

@alltimemarr said:

Then you should rename your movie files..?

i just point the problem.someone like name the title with orgin title and translated title.Understand??

But that's not correct. We're not gonna falsify data on here just to suit third parties needs, they just need to better their systems.

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