The Movie Database atbalsts

Is it possible to transfer your watch list from a third party program that uses TMDB to your own TMDB account? I've been using letterboxd, which is great but I'd like to back it up to my account here if possible. thanks!

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Hey @Prince_Valiant We do support importing an external CSV file to your watchlist but currently only support the IMDb export format.

I'm open to supporting more formats but last time I had someone ask me about importing an export from Letterboxd and was forwarded a copy of the file, they didn't include any external ID information. Without that information (say a TMDb id), it's nearly impossible for me to build an import.

trying to grasp it exactly

So what would exactly be required to do such a thing correctly? I'm game for properly doing things.

It's nothing you can do, it's something Letterboxd would have to add to their export. They would need to add either a TMDb id or IMDb ID on each record in order for us to match it on our end.

I haven't seen an export in over a year, so it's possible their export has changed to include this but like I said, last time I saw an export it didn't include the necessary information we would need to match items on our end.

Ah! I see, well I checked and it doesn't. Maybe I can contact someone. Thanks, Travis! I'll respond if I get any headway for this.

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