The Movie Database Support Forum

The current one is a bit confusing.

It should be like this one from IMDB2:

We can easily see which page we are in and mostly important you can change between pages way easier as well.

On TMDB it's rather confusing. We can barely see the numbers of the pages we are in and changing between pages doesn't feel organic at all.

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The pagination system might get updated at some point but it's a fairly low priority. I don't plan on spending really any time on the discussions in the near future. I've created a ticket for this here.

So it's on the 972 spot on the priority list?! Holy crap!

Now that's a really giant list!

Haha, not all of those are open but yes, there's a few years worth of work sitting there for sure. wink Every day I get little but more done...

Honestly, how much big is your staff and mod team?

It seems you keep doing everything alone... That takes a lot of effort.

I am the only person person who works on TMDb, there is no staff. It's a one man show.

We have around 50 moderators but they don't work on the project in terms of coding, design, marketing or support (well, officially, many still do help with support when they can.) They're primarily the content specialists.

Why don't you try to hire even more people to help like IMDB had?

You doing all that alone is insane!

Yes, it can be insane at times indeed. clown I consider myself lucky that I've been able to do this full time for 7 years now and try not to worry about much more than that.

Staff is prohibitively expensive for a small company like TMDb with no real revenues. Comparing us to IMDb isn't really a fair comparison. I can't say how many people work at IMDb but some semi-educated guessing has been done online (you can Google it) and they guess between 100-200 people. That's entirely a different thing than what I am doing here by myself wink

I know but TMDB just keeps growing and growing, and it might be the next IMDB.

And let's face it: sooner or later you have to try to add people into your staff to help you. You alone can not handle this, it's impossible.

This said it's a very good signal to you and TMDB!


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