The Movie Database Support Forum


how difficult would be to add an array of list's id to account_states ? Or in different terms, is there a way to get a collection of list id a movie/tvshows belongs to ?

thanks cheers

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Hi Ema,

Are you asking about having a more generic "account states" method where you can supply a list of id's and have it return the account states for them? If so, I have an open ticket for that here. If not, could you elaborate as to what you mean?


I think I worded it badly. I would like to check if a movie/tv show is part of one (or more lists). Suppose that I have three lists, A,B snd C and movie id 1234 in list A and B, but not in C. I would like to ask the api if movie 1234 belongs to one or more lists and get back [id A, id B]. Is it possibile with the current api ?

Thanks @travisbell

Hi @blackbelt Ok, now I understand. Your subject is account_states so you had to me looking at something completey unrelated wink

If I understand you right, this is what the existing /movie/lists method does, isn't it? Because you can technically do that now and just page through the results. Unless you're looking for this on v4, in which case, good call, I should add it!

Exactly that @travisbell ! I am using v4 for the lists tho. Will it work all the same?


v3 should pull v4 lists, yes (sorry, I confused you by mentioning v4, it has nothing to do with this really) . There's no sort options on that though. The default order static order is by last updated.

I took a closer look to the endpoint's documentation. It is almost what I am looking for. The difference is that 3/movie/lists is not per user. I would like to retrieve only mine.

thanks @travisbell

Ok, got it. I have created a new ticket for this here. I am not sure when I'll have time to look into this but it's at least now on my radar.


Nice! Thanks again @travisbell

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