The Movie Database Support Forum

Hi guys! I'm texting in Italian for this movie: Title: Assalto al cielo IMDB ID: tt6067790 The Text I'm entering is: "Il documentario diretto da Francesco Munzi si basa esclusivamente su materiale d'archivio e racconta le lotte giovanili extraparlamentari degli anni '70". Can you help me, please? :) Thank you!

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We use Google Translate and indeed, it thinks it's Corsican. See here.

Best I can suggest right now is to play with the wording on Google Translate (with the link I provided) until you get it detecting as Italian.

Hi Travis, I can say with certainty that it is Italian, not Corse: Google Translate is confused grinning Thanks for the answer: I try to modify the text until I get it detecting as Italian. Bye!

Isn't it possible to report it as incorrect with Google? Or is that only for the translation itself? If possible, that would be an option as well.

Yes, Google Translate supports submitting bad translations so you should definitely do that. Their system is mostly automatic now (based on my reading) and is completely trainable. So the more you help it out, the better its detections will be.

@sa_jana Hi, I was going to send an e-mail, but thought it would be quicker to comment here. I noticed that you at times have been adding official English trailers/teasers as Italian trailers. That is incorrect. Only official Italian trailers should be added as Italian. That was all. snail

@lineker: thank you, I'll be more careful! relaxed

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