The Movie Database Support

Is there anyway to retrieve a network id by it's name?

For my app I am building I want the user to be able to search for upcoming shows on a particular network.


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BUMP any ideas? I really need a way to find out what series are airing on a particular network

Hi Alex,

Unfortunately there is not by name right now. You can of course use with_networks on tv discover, but it expects an ID.

How would you want to look these up, just a network search?

Thanks Travis for getting back to me.

I just need a network search that returns the id if I search by the network name.

To be honest i'd be happy with a JSON file one off export that lists all the Networks on TMDB with their ids. I could use that in my code as it won't update that often.

Are you able to create me an export?

Ya, I have some plans for a few other small JSON files. I have an open ticket for this here. I'm hoping to get to this in the next week or so.

@travisbell said:

Ya, I have some plans for a few other small JSON files. I have an open ticket for this here. I'm hoping to get to this in the next week or so.

WIcked - if you are able to do the networks first that would be amazing- not that i'm biased or something but it would give my app some edge over the competition! ;-)

Hi Alex,

You can download a list of the TV networks on TMDb from here:

A new file is generated every day and will follow that date format. More information about what files are available will be posted tomorrow.

Hi Travis,

Great stuff - thanks!

I've had a look and extracted the zip, only issue is i'm having trouble getting this working with my NodeJS app. It doesn't appear to be valid JSON.

Can I get the export in a valid JSON format? I think the multiple root nodes means I can't parse this. Could we have each network as it's own JSON object?


As mentioned in the docs, the file itself is not a JSON object. The way it's designed is that each line contains a JSON object which makes it easy to simply iterate over each line of the file and parse it that way.

@travisbell said:

As mentioned in the docs, the file itself is not a JSON object. The way it's designed is that each line contains a JSON object which makes it easy to simply iterate over each line of the file and parse it that way.

Sorry Travis - didn't spot that! All good now - managed to grab the network id :-)


I would like to make use of the network list file too but I'm having problems downloading the file as it keeps telling me 403 Forbidden

Don't worry already fixed

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