The Movie Database Support

With the movie endpoint you have original_language and a spoken_languages array, which is ace for tracking down movies which need partial subtitles.

Can I request similar support for TV Shows?

Game of Thrones, for example, has a languages array containing [es, en, de] which I assume is nothing to do with spoken_languages (where is dothraki!)

Homeland, for example, occasionally has spoken Arabic (I guess) but the languages array only contains [en]. This makes it hard for me to programmatically decide if I need to look for subtitles for TV Shows vs. the users native languages.


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Hi @daviestar

I'm not 100% sure I understand, are you looking for... the TV show API currently has these 3 fields:

  • languages
  • origin_country
  • original_language

Are you looking for something other than one of those 3?

Hi Travis, thanks for the response.

Yes, those three don't do the same thing as spoken_languages in the movie API.

I'd imagine the best place to put this info would be on the TV Episode endpoint, so per episode, there can be an array of spoken languages.

This would make it possible to identify episodes which need subtitles even if the original_language is the users' native language.

Hope that makes sense.

I know TV shows have spoken language field too, but we don't list every language there, only if it's like spoken in most of the series too. Like Spanish and English for Fear the Walking Dead (at least, I've not seen the second season yet, but Spanish was also spoken throughout the first season).

Spoken languages on episode level could be neat too - like episode runtime. But maybe list the one from season level as a standard, and then append the episode specific ones (for example Italian is there's a show with an episode with some maffia guys speaking their own language)

@travisbell what do you think? sound like a useful feature?

Yes, I'd like to have it simply to match movies. I've created a ticket for this here, although I am not sure when I will have time to look at it.

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