The Movie Database Support

I'm looking for a way to get full country name from /tv/{tv_id}.origin_country (United States of America) instead of 'US'. I can't find any method for quering for a name based on index.

Basically I would like to see something like /movie/{movie_id} - production_countries. Besides iso_3166_1 there's also name field.

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Hi @tkozyrski Unfortunately, I can't really add it to the original_country field since it would break existing clients. I can have a look at adding a country list method, so at least you could get the list of countries we use. I have an open ticket to do this with languages as well, so maybe I'll just get these done together.

Thanks for the heads up.

Thank you Travis, a country list method will be great to have. I'm looking forward to it.

Can I have a link to that ticket so I can track its progress, please?

Yup, no problem. The ticket is here.

Hi @tkozyrski,

I just added this list, you can read about it here:

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