The Movie Database Support Forum


I sent an email through the contact form but this seems like an easier way to ask. I have been making a site for people to review horror movies, and have been using a regular API key for the movie titles, year of release and poster. I was going to have maybe google adsense on the site and perhaps a link to where users can buy the movie on amazon at some point to help recoup monthly server costs, but the site will be completely free for people to use, and I will have the proper attribution of course. :) I am just wondering if I will need a commercial key for that? If so can you point me in the right direction?

Thanks for any help you can provide! I love your site and everything you guys do!

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Hi mhsjosh,

It doesn't sound like you need to worry about a commercial license. If all you're doing is adding ads, you're fine.

Thanks for the kind words!

You're welcome! And thanks for the information! Is there an email address I can reach you at? I would like to send you a link to the site when it goes live so I can make sure I do the attribution correctly and everything. Should be within the next week or so. :)

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