The Movie Database Support Forum


I tried the C# Wrapper for the TMDB Api and found out a strange behaviour with the GetMovieLatest() method which does not return the last Movie Id like expected but sequentially iterates through all the movies from the first one every time it is called in a "session". If I call it "manually" through the browser it returns me the Movie 402242 which is the intended behaviour. It's ok for now to hard code it but is there a hidden parameter or something so I do not have to write it myself later on ?

Any thoughts ?



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Hi Lynk5,

We don't maintain any of those libraries or wrappers. The developer of this library did that on his own. I suppose technically, all we officially support is hitting the API directly. What happens outside of that is outside of our control.

I'm not exactly clear on what your wondering about with regards to hard coding. There are hundreds of movies added week and lots per day. You'll want to grab the id semi-regularly.


Ok thx,

You answered the question, there is no special behaviour intended from TMDB API. I will dig into the wrapper code to see what is all about eventually.



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