The Movie Database Support

I writing addon for KODI to sync rated movies/episodes in both way. Unfortunately KODI still using IMDB_ID in it database. To write all ratings from TMDb to KODI I must have imdb_id but the account/id/rated/movies not return it and I must create extra query for each movie to retrive only imdb_id.

To write all ratings from KODI to TMDb I have only IMDB_ID and must first create 'find' query for each movie and then create query to save rating for each movie.

It is a way to do it in simplest way?

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Hi Regss,

If you have to map IMDB ids, yes, the /find method is the right way to do it.

I could be wrong, but I thought Kodi stored the TMDb ID in their DB. Is that not the case? If not then I don't see any way around having to call /find.

KODI database have movies table with field named imdb_id but what be stored in this field depends on what scraper is used. It is confused. In my opinion so long the field is named imdbid it should stored only imdbid.

I noticed that the method /movie/id/rating accepts imdbid so it is not so bad.

Why external_ids method is only for tv? To get it for movies I must call movie/id method?

One more question. Request Rate Limiting - Limit is for /movie/id/rating that set the rating or for /account/id/rated/movies that get all rated movies?

Ah, ok. Gotcha.

/external_ids is only supported on TV because movies doesn't have any other ids than IMDb (it's simply part of the main media lookup). If movies were to ever get another ID, than I would no doubt have to create /external_ids for it as well.

Right now the rate limiting is API wide but I've thought about removing the limit on account queries. One day, that's likely how it will be.

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