The Movie Database Support

Hi there

First of all, thanks for the great API and documentation.

I was wondering why there's no option to check (or limit) the runtime in the discover/movie section of the API. To me, personally, this seems like a logical thing to query for too. Would this be hard to implement? Just throwing this idea out there :)


  • Nick

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Hi Nick,

Nope, not that hard at all ;) I've created a new ticket for this here and will look at it when I have some time.


Hey Travis

Thanks for the quick reply. Looking forward to it :)


This has been implemented, docs are located here:

Hi Travis, has "runtime" since been deleted from the API?

Hi @afroberts No, the with_runtime.lte and with_runtime.gte filters are both still available on discover.

But it is not possible to return the field 'Runtime' in order to display it, only to filter films by their runtime?

@JoshPauls said:

But it is not possible to return the field 'Runtime' in order to display it, only to filter films by their runtime?

Runtime can be returned through movie_id:

Why there is no option to show the movie Runtime in discover mode? I think that is just as much important as filtering them by runtime. If I want to create a movie list with just basic movie data I have to do another request for every single movie with their IDs just to get the Runtime. It is just as necessary as the genre of the movie and that data is accessable, not just as a filter. Is there any plan to implement it in the future?

Hi @raszti,

Unfortunately there are no plans to include the runtime field as a default field in list responses.

@travisbell said:

Hi @raszti,

Unfortunately there are no plans to include the runtime field as a default field in list responses.

already implemented?

I do not have any intention on providing the runtime in the list results, but it is available as a filter on discover. See my post above with regards to with_runtime.lte and with_runtime.gte.

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