The Movie Database Support

Why the recommended section of movie's page is different from API? for example interstellar web page show many movies but API call similar just show two movie. I know API call result is real similar but I want to ask to make sure.

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Hi aradeonas,

We haven't pushed the new "recommendation" system to the API yet. Similar movies are different than recommendations. Both are still available on the website while only similar is currently available on the API.

I've created a new ticket about bringing the new recommendation system to the API here.


Thank you very much.

Ha, I tried to get recommended movies via 'similar' for Interstellar too )) I wait 'recommendations' on the API very much.

Hello Travis,

I'm also down for it, following that ticket for a few months now. Hope you'll bring that nice feature in a near future.


I would really appreciate if this feature will be added soon to the API.

Is it perhaps possible to give us a 'releasedate' Travis? Does it have priority?


Is there a documentation somewhere that explains how similar and recommended movies are computed ? (From the interface I see that similar movies are computed based on tags, can someone confirm) Thanks

Hi lililala,

Similar items are indeed calculated with plot keywords with a slight bump for similar genres. Recommended items look at ratings and favourites to build the graph. Very different approaches which yield very different results.


thanks for your answer, it would be great to have the recommended functionality in the API

Hey guys, this is now live for both movies and TV shows.

Docs are located here and here.


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