תמיכת The Movie Database

Hi, I'm trying to make a call to the search movie API and is returning the first page ignoring the page option:



{"page":1,"results":[{"adult":false,"backdrop_path":"/ji3ArKisslmeNvGSYBBx2NGNPDy.jpg","id":29044,"original_title":"Street Fight","release_date":"2005-01- [....] Fight","video":false,"vote_average":0.0,"vote_count":0}],"total_pages":38,"total_results":745}

Do you know if this is a bug or if i'm making something wrong?


3 תגובות (בדף 1 מתוך 1)

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Hi cavestri,

The results seem to be working ok for me but the page field isn't updating, you're correct. Here's the first 2 pages, with the results truncated to only first 2 items each:

  "page": 1,
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      "original_title": "Kavgamız",
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      "id": 29044,
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      "release_date": "2005-01-01",
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      "title": "Street Fight",
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      "original_title": "Kampen mod kræften",
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I've created a new ticket for this here and will take a look at it tomorrow.


Hi cavestri,

I just deployed the fix for this, you'll have to wait ~6 hours for the cached pages to expire but it will start showing the proper page numbers shortly.


Great, thanks for your support! :)

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