This movie is a "video":
When I fetch the JSON for /movie/265847/ it does not mention that the "Video?" field is set to true. Is there some way to append this field (e.g. append_to_response?). The JSON response I'm getting is below:
{ "adult": false, "backdrop_path": "/meFI4ZLr0y4h6hOuCg0Kjc9r7dY.jpg", "belongs_to_collection": null, "budget": 0, "genres": [ ], "homepage": "", "id": 265847, "imdb_id": "tt1948224", "original_title": "Zumba Fitness Exhilarate: The Ultimate Experience DVD Set", "overview": "Bigger, bolder, and edgier, the Zumba® Fitness Exhilarate DVD collection is revolutionizing the at-home fitness experience by combining raw energy with cutting-edge design, lights, and sounds to take you on an unforgettable, exhilarating journey to a healthy and happy lifestyle.As Jam-packed with red-hot dance steps, pulsating Latin and international rhythms, and feel-it-to-the-core routines, this invigorating dance-fitness party will have you movin', rockin', and shakin' the weight off to the exotic rhythms of salsa, cumbia, samba, reggaeton, merengue, and more.", "popularity": 0.00813457504305796, "poster_path": "/uVEXSlzaCFMGNSlfebryUO0o352.jpg", "production_companies": [ { "name": "Cort Howell Productions", "id": 22077 } ], "production_countries": [ { "iso_3166_1": "US", "name": "United States of America" } ], "release_date": "2011-03-24", "revenue": 0, "runtime": 0, "spoken_languages": [ ], "status": "Released", "tagline": "", "title": "Zumba Fitness Exhilarate: The Ultimate Experience DVD Set", "vote_average": 8.0, "vote_count": 1 }
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Reply by Travis Bell
on November 13, 2014 at 11:12 PM
Hey guys,
It's true, you can't query for (or tell the difference between) a video and a non-video entry right now. This ticket is the one relevant to adding the field. I'm not positive when I'll get to it, but it will likely be next week sometime.
Reply by letterboxd
on November 13, 2014 at 11:13 PM
You're a scholar and a gentleman, sir!
Reply by Travis Bell
on December 18, 2014 at 6:19 PM
Hey Matt/Grant,
I've pushed this out. A video field is now present on the primary movie info method as well as search/discover/featured list results. You won't notice it right away as we will have to wait for the cached objects to expire.