The Movie Database Support

Strange unicode characters are being returned in trailer URLs by the API.

For example, movie 180951 returns a 'LEFT-TO-RIGHT MARK' (U+200E) after the 's' character of the source "JulDCiXBx-s‎"

Other examples include movies 60305, 2714900, 1863201, 2795078 or 2184287.

This breaks some popular API bindings that don't expect Unicode in the trailer URL response.

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Hi djace,

Thanks for reporting this, I’ve created a new ticket for it.

180951 seems to be the only valid ID out of the ones you posted. If you have other examples just so I have more than one to go by, that would be helpful.


Sorry, I rushed my post. The other IDs were iMDb IDs, not TMDB.

The TMDB ids are 25047, 169607, 194121, 174322 and 180951.

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