The Movie Database Support Forum


Would it be possible to return original country and/or network in TV search results?

A fair number of TV series (UK ones in particular) have been remade in the US with the same name. The only ways there are for an end user to disambiguate them is from the poster/backdrop or from the first air date. In some interfaces images might not be available, and the user might not be aware of the first air date - they just know they are searching for the UK Channel 4 version of "Shameless", for example.

Some other similar examples are: Being Human, House of Cards, Life on Mars.

Personally, I would prefer this as a single field rather than a list, but I'm not sure if your database has a notion of the main country / network - the TV method returns lists. I would like to display a single country along with the year - for example "Shameless (2011 US)" and "Shameless (2004 UK)".

Obviously I could fetch this information for each series returned in the search results, but I thought it might be better if the TV search returned it directly.

Regards, Sandor

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Hey Sandor,

This is a good idea, I can see how it would be useful.

I've created a ticket for this here.

Hey Sandor,

TV series search now returns a origin_country field. You'll have to wait for the cached items to expire but they'll start showing up today.


Hi, Really glad on the country field as I has requested the same feature, thank you very much! I also think the TV network would be relevant in search results. The fact that you did add the origin_country field but not the TV netwok has a rational on your side ? What do you think about it ? Thanks for your feedback and your work!

Adding network too would be great improvement. Networks have become more and more dominant in TV shows space and having ability to show network to user would be very useful.

I've created a new ticket about adding network data to the standard list responses. You can vote or watch for it here.

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