The Movie Database Support

While looking for a movie that did not get matched to the guide data I stumbled upon the director "Robert Young" and had a hard time figuring out which one to choose from the popup. I suggest to show a text, automatically generated or manually set, like "britisch television director" "austrian actor" From

Robert Young (actor) (1907–1998), American actor
Robert M. Young (director) (born 1924), American director, writer and producer
Robert Young (director) (born 1933), British film and television director
Bob Young (TV producer), American television writer and producer, including Dinosaurs and Smart Guy

For comparison here is what Musicbrainz uses to find the correct Bob also

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This is exactly what we need. A 5 word maximum description of the person that accompanies the autocomplete drop down. Very good suggestion, Karl! I just created the ticket. You can sign up and watch it here.

Does this data exist yet? I am looking for a way to grab the person's identity as IMDb provides (ie: Ben Affleck -- Actor, Director, Writer)

this would be amazing! I second/third/fourth this!

it's really needed

Excellent Idea

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