The Movie Database Support

Hi there, i've tied to translate this file:, to shpanish, but the page says that this text "Adaptación de la novela "Inside WikiLeaks: My Time With Julian Assange At The World’s Most Dangerous Website", que gira en torno al fundador de Wikileaks Julian Assange" is in Estonian, but I can assure you it's spanish.

I hope you can solve it.


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Can you give this a try now?

I've tried right now and happens the same validation error.

Have you tried to add an overview in Spanish only? Maybe the system is confused by the mix of Spanish and English.

Yes, I've tried and either way still have no sense that the platform says I'm writing in Estonian...

I tried to add something as well and got the same error message about entering it in Estonian.

Can you try now?

Yes! Finally! It worked, thank you very much :-)

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