The Movie Database Support

I always get this kind of message everytime i wan to add Indonesia Movie.

"It seems as though you are entering text in Malay while browsing in Indonesian.

Did you know that TMDb natively supports translations?

If you believe this to be an error, stop by the forums and let us know."

I am 100% sure that the text i am adding is in Indonesian. However, the system keep suggesting (auto-correcting) me that the text is indeed in Malay. This is very annoying to me, because i have to change my language preferences in my setting to Malay before i can enter the movie.

It is like differentiating US-English with UK-English, which i really don't see the different seen in the context of writing a passage or text.

I am discourage to enter duplicate entry (i.e. overview for both language [Malay and Indonesian]).

Is there a solution to mitigate this situation?


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Hi Ramadhi,

Give it a try now. I tweaked the language detection.

Hi Travis,

Thanks for the update. I'll give it a try now..

*** EDITTED *** I've tried it. Your tweak fixed it. Thanks very much.


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