The Movie Database Support

These days it seems that trailers are coming from many sources (vimeo, yahoo, etc.) other than youtube. This means that the trailer often isn't available on TMDB till a good amount of time after the trailer has actually been released. It would be nice to have a method to add trailer URLs for these trailers to keep consumers of the data on the cutting edge.

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Hi Chris,

I can see where you're coming from. For us though, it's important to try and keep things simple & standard. YouTube is a great example of trying to keep things straightforward since we have thousands of apps and developers that use our trailer data and can all rely on a standard video source.

I'm not saying that supporting another source is out of the question, it's just that if we did I would want to make sure there's some good coverage.

yeah, completely understand. I wonder if a section of named links could be helpful? "yahoo exclusive trailer", "ARG website for X movie", "fake website for weylandindustries / trask industries" etc.

Ya, I think something like that could be a better track to think about.

I've created a new ticket for me to think about this down the road. Thanks.

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