The Movie Database Support

Hi all,

I am a new member and I would requiere some asistance in search for movie by title. I have a small problem with the optional paramater "search_type". It works well in any case except when I finish my query by a number:

OK :

0 results:

It works with a normal search so I just need to know if I should encode this query or if it's just impossible.

I look forward to your response,


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Hey Samuel,

Not sure, I'll have to dig into this one. I've created a new ticket and will try to get to it this week.

Hello Travis,

Thanks you for responding so quickly and many thanks for this great API.

I wish you good luck on this issue.

I found the issue. It relies on a higher level infrastructure change which I'm hoping will get deployed by the end of the week.



Any chance that these infrastructure changes would fix the person search issues I brought up about a week ago?

Person Search Results?

I'll follow up on that thread, but to answer your specific question here, no they are not related.

Hey Samuel,

This fix has been pushed into production. You might see some cached results affecting it from showing updated results for another few hours but I manually cleared Iron Man 3 to make sure it's working.


Many thanks for your job Travis,

It is a pleasure to use this API.

All the best.


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