The Movie Database Support Forum

Hi, now does not return new genres inserted into the movie. are empty but on the site ( i can see Drama and Thriller.

Thanks in advance. Below I report an example.

<OpenSearchDescription xmlns:opensearch=""> 
<opensearch:Query searchTerms="132281"/> 
<original_name>The Dead Sleep</original_name> 
<name>The Dead Sleep</name> 
It could be that, after death, our spirits need to forget this world. Or maybe something in our mortalities is worth fighting for, even worth dying for a second time. In this supernatural thriller, Paul Wells plans to find out. His body has been in a grave for five years while his spirit witnesses the consequences of his transgressions. Driven to save his daughter from his unfortunate mistakes, Paul twists the boundary between the living and the dead. 

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Hey Luigi,

I'm not totally sure what 2.1 is doing but support for it has been deprecated. If I do a lookup for this movie on v3, everything looks good:

I would suggest moving to v3.

At the moment i see comedy and romance but if i use the api 3 function genres are empty.

    "adult": false,
    "backdrop_path": null,
    "belongs_to_collection": null,
    "budget": 0,
    "genres": [],
    "homepage": "",
    "id": 58400,
    "imdb_id": "tt1217631",
    "original_title": "Solo un padre",
    "overview": "No overview",
    "popularity": 0.019,
    "poster_path": "/irGylTvNJESdEc2UiI5KGLEzA9L.jpg",
    "production_companies": [],
    "production_countries": [],
    "release_date": "2008-01-01",
    "revenue": 0,
    "runtime": 89,
    "spoken_languages": [{
        "iso_639_1": "it",
        "name": "Italiano"
    "tagline": "",
    "title": "Just a Father",
    "vote_average": 6.5,
    "vote_count": 1

It was likely just a cache issue. If I pull that record on the API now, I see both the romance and comedy genres.

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