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1995 年 08 月 11 日


2021 年 01 月 01 日


2004 年 09 月 17 日

1933年的一个雨夜,英国剑桥大学的一名一年级学生盖伊(斯图尔特·汤森德 Stuart Townsend 饰)的寝室里,突然闯入了一位美艳动人的女子吉尔达(查理兹·塞隆 Charlize Theron 饰),盖伊好心收留她过夜,而后两人迅速坠入爱河。几年后,吉尔达成为了一名时尚摄影师,邀请盖伊前去她巴黎的豪宅相聚,并与她的模特兼密友米娅(佩妮洛普·克鲁兹 Penélope Cruz 饰)三人一起享受着时髦与欢乐的时光。然而,就在吉尔达的事业如日中天之时,第二次世界大战爆发了,三个好朋友因对于此持不同看法而分道扬镳,盖伊和米娅决定去往前线支援,而吉尔达则留了下来。6年的抗战之后,盖伊回到了日思夜想的巴黎,得知爱人吉尔达已成为千夫所指的德国军官情妇,却不知她其实是一名地下间谍。而此时的吉尔达已面临生死关头,一方面,她的间谍身份行将暴露,另一方面,巴黎的民众恨不得杀她而后快,两个有情人的命运还能否相交……本片曾获2005年米兰国际电影节最佳影片奖。

2023 年 11 月 14 日

A quirky student who daydreams with her head high in the clouds must creatively elude her strict math teacher to remain there.

2018 年 02 月 08 日

To stop a terrorist bomber, two estranged tech geniuses (Justin Chatwin, Tomiwa Edun) reunite after the death of their mentor (Gabriel Byrne) to devise a VR technology to extract the terrorist’s memories. But the clock is ticking on the next bomb.

2018 年 10 月 11 日

The story of TED Prize-winner Sugata Mitra’s attempt to pioneer a new form of education, seen through the eyes of children in an Indian village and in a northern British town, whose lives are being transformed by his ideas. The film poses the question "What kind of education do children need in the networked world?"

2021 年 07 月 30 日

Laiila’s journey that looking for an answer to the questions that plagued her mind. In the middle of her journey, Ale comes to help Laiila to define what happiness truly is.

2018 年 02 月 06 日

In the Cloud VR Afterlife begins with Theo James (Tomiwa Edun), the genius inventor behind Cloud Inc., as he welcomes you to the Cloud and walks you through the technology that allows him to map the human brain. After introducing the Cloud, James will begin to ask you a series of questions to dig deep into your soul and better understand your morality. With every answer, a slim crack widens encompassing a visually stimulating journey to the other side to reveal your inner truth that may or may not be what it seems. The VR experience, based off of the Crackle Original Movie, In the Cloud, is a spectacular and mystical ride built with live-action actors, visually stunning special effects and 360-sound.

1940 年 07 月 31 日

Produced in both English and Spanish, the film focuses on the Lopez family, now motherless because of tuberculosis. When Consuelo, the daughter of the family, begins to manifest symptoms, she prays fervently, though a “wise padre,” as the credits would have this character, advises her to seek medical attention.

2015 年 08 月 19 日

After their sister dies, Leah and Lucy are forced to raise their socially awkward nephew, Luke.

2024 年 05 月 02 日

In the process of parting, lovers discover that their love was as elusive as a fleeting cloud.

1934 年 12 月 15 日

Bob Halsey is a first-rate pilot who's in love with stewardess Judy Wagner. He's ordered to deliver a secret formula to Washington, D.C., but a spy hears about the assignment and sabotages it by murdering Bob's fellow flyers and making off with the liquid. While the government conducts a vast search for the formula, the spies entangle Judy in their web of deceit, causing Bob to set off on his own in an effort to save his sweetheart and retrieve the missing mixture.

2004 年 12 月 02 日

Twinkle Twirl has to choreograph a special dance for the Friendship Ball, and she's completely uninspired! She asks Sky Wishes to make an extra-special wish so that she can come up with a great idea. Little do the ponies know that a wish-granting Pegasus pony, Star Catcher, has heard about this wish and is going to make it come true.

A slow 40 minute video featuring clouds in the blue sky set to ambient music.

2019 年 03 月 15 日

No Clouds in the Blue Heavens focuses on Rukia's execution and the main events surrounding it. It sees the addition of Asuka Sekine, Hiroko Kasahara, and Masahiro Kuranuki to the cast. Their roles are Suì-Fēng, Retsu Unohana, and Kaname Tōsen respectively. Kohei Murakami and Harumi Inoue were not able to play Hanatarō Yamada and Rangiku Matsumoto in No Clouds in the Blue Heavens but they both will appear in the next three musicals.

1980 年 01 月 01 日

Amateur tale about a company boss and his wife who turn up late for a dinner party hosted by an ambitious young salesman of his company and his wife. After their car breaks down they have to change a wheel in the rain, arriving soaking wet, where their young hosts dry them out and give them a nice meal.

They said it couldn't be done, but thanks to the ingenuity, labor and sheer will of the Chinese people, the Qinghai-Tibet Railway -- which runs from Beijing to Lhasa -- was completed in 2006. This Chinese import dramatizes that remarkable feat. Telling the story through the eyes of two generations of fictional railway workers, director Feng Xiaoning depicts the physical and environmental challenges of taking a train to the "roof of the world."

My Father in the Cloud follows a series of attempts as director Ruth Patir tries and fails in utilizing new technologies to dance with her late father, a telecommunication engineer with a secret unrealized desire for Virtual Reality. As her journey unfolds she realizes the limitations of technology in replacing what she lost.

2017 年 02 月 23 日


2010 年 09 月 08 日
2015 年 06 月 18 日

Kelas Internasional (English: International Class) is an Indonesian sitcom based on the 1970s British sitcom Mind Your Language. It revolves around someone who teaches a Bahasa Indonesia class composing of students from many different countries. It is aired every day at 5:00 P.M. It has been aired in three seasons, the first from 18 June 2015 to 16 March 2016, the second from 28 March 2016 to 19 August 2016, and the third since 22 August 2016 to 17 February 2017.

2002 年 06 月 08 日

为了成就天下霸业,天下会帮主雄霸(千叶真一 饰)请泥菩萨为自己批命,获得“金麟岂是池中物,一遇风云便化龙”的两句真言。所以为了找到风云,雄霸不惜到处杀虐,最后将孩童时候的聂风和步惊云收入身边。正是得了风云之助,雄霸的霸业扩展越来越顺利。时间很快就过去,雄霸的称霸野心越 来越大,不过此时却收到泥菩萨又一次批命送上的“成也风云,败也风云”。不禁令雄霸对身边的聂风(赵文卓 饰)和步惊云(何润东 饰)处处提防,忧心忡忡。雄霸出计,将步惊云喜欢的孔慈嫁给大徒弟秦霜,而孔慈却暗恋着聂风,使得风云二人反目,孔慈也因保护聂风身亡。风云二人也因此先后离开天下会行走江湖。在不断的闯荡中,聂风受童年好友断浪的怂恿决定找雄霸报杀父之仇,而步惊云也因雄霸的步步紧逼对雄霸愤恨有加。最终步惊云意外获得麒麟臂,聂风获得绝世好剑,在剑池与雄霸展开了生死大战。

1973 年 12 月 23 日

Polish Fanfan, the first Polish series from the "cloak and dagger" - written about the "black cloud" in the press of the 70's. Axis of the plot became a dramatic episodes of the struggle for the maintenance of the Polish Prussia. They remained in feudal depending on the Republic from 1525, when Albrecht Hohenzollern secularized religious state and filed in Krakow tribute to the Polish king.

2015 年 10 月 19 日

1932年,驻守上海的十九路军和当地百姓奋勇抵抗,阻挡了日本侵略者扩张的步伐,这就是著名的一•二八事变。最终中日双方签订《上海(淞沪)停战协定》,战火暂时告一段落。山雨欲来风满楼,爱国民族资本家云在天(王庆祥 饰)意识到两国之间的战争并未就此结束,他变卖家产筹得一大笔黄金,想方设法要将这笔资金交给顽强抵抗日本侵略者的中国共产党。然而这一计划被日本情报机关获知,云在天夫妇惨遭杀害。为了完成父亲的夙愿,长子云飞岳(徐洪浩 饰)不畏日本人的迫害,继续上路。他的弟弟云飞川(赵荀 饰)是一名共产党员。


1976 年 01 月 04 日


2014 年 10 月 04 日


2022 年 12 月 11 日


2021 年 09 月 16 日

1927年,日本逐步垄断东北铁路,妄图掠夺东北资源,达到其在经济和军事上不可告人的目的,为了抵制日本满铁控制的铁路系统,东北地方当局开始筹划自办铁路。在这种形 式下,滨州铁路公司决意在东北境内修建一条属于中国人自己掌控的铁路。但日本人对这条铁路虎视眈眈,想尽办法夺取铁路股权。滨州铁路公司总裁曹定邦之子曹默飞追随父亲,积极推动铁路的修建工作,但却因为营救游行的进步青年 潘桃被警察抓进了监狱。

2014 年 02 月 17 日

《阳光满溢》(태양은 가득히)为韩国KBS自2014年2月17日起播出的月火剧迷你剧,由《我妻子的一切》、《Dream High 2》许星慧作家执笔,《太阳的女子》、《暴力罗曼史》裴景修导演执导,讲述在泰国因为钻石失窃而发生的枪击事件,失去父亲的男人和失去未婚夫的女人之间的故事。



  著名珠宝品牌Belle la fair的代表性感美女韩英媛与珠宝商孔宇镇(宋钟浩 饰)将要结婚。然而孔宇镇却因反对两人婚姻的父亲韩泰伍(金英哲 饰)而死亡。同一时间为了见父亲郑道准(李对渊 饰)到了泰国的郑世路则得知父亲为了偷出珠宝而死亡的事实。更糟糕的是,郑世路还被误会成为杀害孔宇镇的凶手。

  郑世路因此失去了梦寐以求的外交资格考试的资格,在泰国的监狱服刑五年。他后来从朴康载(赵镇雄 饰)那里得知杀害父亲、陷害自己的幕后黑手正是Belle la fair的代表。郑世路从监狱里出来之后,变成了珠宝商李恩守,开始为父亲复仇的计划。


  郑世路出狱之后到了韩国,开始寻找Belle la fair。这都是为了给父亲报仇。这时,他遇到了韩英媛,之后一直跟着她。韩英媛表示不满,他却说“我们什么时候、在哪儿、为什么、怎么见面的?我会一直跟着你,直到你想起来。”表现出他十分痛恨父亲的仇人-Belle la fair的代表韩英媛。

2006 年 09 月 18 日

Cloud Stairs is a South Korean TV drama that aired from September 18, 2006 to November 7, 2006 on KBS2.

"Baby Cloud" is an original series released on The Return of Superman's official YouTube channel.

2020 年 11 月 02 日


The story tells about two guitarists Vasya and Pasha, a choral college student Zhenya, a paratrooper Bob and a classical vocal teacher Ptitsyn, who by chance unite to create a rock band. On the way to fame, future stars are waiting for crime bosses, crimson jackets, the "latest" gadgets in the form of pagers and tetris, and, of course, world-famous idols, including Freddie Mercury and Kurt Cobain.

2022 年 11 月 10 日


2009 年 11 月 29 日




2024 年 01 月 17 日







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