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1974 年 09 月 02 日

Set in a seedy bedsit, the cowardly landlord Rigsby has his conceits debunked by his long suffering tenants.

1987 年 09 月 12 日

The Dame Edna Experience is a British television comedy talk-show hosted by Dame Edna Everage. It ran for twelve regular episodes on ITV, plus two Christmas specials. The first seven aired for the first time in 1987, the next seven in 1989. It was directed by Ian Hamilton and Alasdair MacMillan and produced by London Weekend Television.

Regulars on the program, besides Dame Edna, were her "bridesmaid" Madge Allsop and Robin Houston who was the announcer, with orchestra conducted and arranged by Laurie Holloway.

Each program featured several celebrity guests, usually three, but some programs included up to eight guests. There would also be other invited "guests" like Kurt Waldheim and Imelda Marcos who once introduced at stage right would fall victim to a trap door or something similar and fail to make it to their chair.

The entire series was released on DVD by BBC Video in June 2004, and can now also be purchased as a complete set including the Christmas specials and the three An Audience with Dame Edna specials, plus other material.

The series was released for Region 2 by Network DVD in the UK in 2007, as a 4-disc set. For reasons unknown, the Region 2 release does not include the 1989 Christmas special "The Dame Edna Satellite Experience" that ended the second series and featured Ursula Andress, Yehudi Menuhin, and Robert Kilroy-Silk. It does, however, include the one-off 1990 Christmas special A Night On Mount Edna with guests Mel Gibson, Charlton Heston, Gina Lollobrigida and Julio Iglesias.

2010 年 08 月 30 日

Sabina Astudillo is an ordinary, young but ambitious woman who is willing to do anything to seduce Leonardo Sandander a presidential candidate to become the First Lady of Chile.


2021 年 02 月 22 日

Set in an Eastern Cape farming community, the story follows Yola who returns home from Chile for her father's funeral, only to be met by the ghosts of her past.


2021 年 03 月 25 日

Home renovation expert and social media influencer Jennifer Todryk combines clever design solutions and cost-saving ideas to create stunning home overhauls for clients in the Dallas-Fort Worth area, all without major demolition.

2008 年 07 月 28 日

Juro que te amo is a Mexican telenovela produced by Martha Patricia López de Zatarain for Televisa in 2008, starring young actress Ana Brenda Contreras. The show is a domestic drama about a wealthy family who loses everything and finds that they were only liked for their money. It premiered on 28 July 2008 and concluded on 6 February 2009. Re-make to the novela Los Parientes Pobres

1986 年 10 月 06 日

La Dama de Rosa is a successful Venezuelan telenovela that was produced by and seen on Venezuela's Radio Caracas Televisión.

Jeannette Rodríguez and Carlos Mata starred as the main protagonists.

It was written by José Ignacio Cabrujas and directed by Luis Manzo and Tito Rojas. This telenovela lasted 144 episodes and it achieved a significant amount of success inside and outside Venezuela. It was distributed internationally by RCTV International. La Dama de Rosa was remade by RCTV in 1997 under the name "Cambio de Piel".

1998 年 03 月 22 日

Two brothers, one a bachelor and undercover detective, the other a married rent-a-cop are reunited in Chicago. Things come easily to Damon Thomas, a clever, but incorrect undercover cop.

1965 年 03 月 07 日
2016 年 03 月 20 日

At the Berlin dance school "Galant," worlds collide and the struggle between prudishness and emancipation is carried out. The proprietor of the dance school, Caterina Schöllack, has three daughters whom she orders to integrate into this hierarchically structured society. Two of her daughters seem to abide by their mother's wish. Only Monika, the middle daughter, rejects the given path and discovers rock 'n' roll for herself.

2018 年 04 月 10 日


2003 年 07 月 28 日


2014 年 05 月 15 日
1991 年 01 月 01 日

Boro's adventure begins in Paris in the late twenties. As a minor employee in a photographic agency, he works for a pittance. However, thanks to his love of life, his handsome appearance and his appeal to women, he leads a varied and turbulent life. In spite of his numerous affairs, the great love of his life is his cousin, Maryika, the famous actress from Berlin. When Boro learns that Maryika is expected in Munich for the premiere of her latest film, he decides to visit her there. Boro is disappointed in his meeting with Maryika; he has to spend the night alone on the couch.

1955 年 04 月 16 日

Damon Runyon Theater is an American television program that presented dramatized versions of Damon Runyon's short stories. Hosted by Donald Woods, the program, sponsored by Anheuser-Busch's Budweiser beer, aired for a total of 39 episodes on CBS from April 1955 through February 1956.

1986 年 01 月 02 日

A painting unleashes the riddle of three women from different worlds and times but with the same face. How can this be?

2013 年 06 月 24 日

An engineer who works in a large construction company and a poor worker without aspirations both share a love that dared to go beyond all prejudices and differences. Based on the Chilean TV series of the same name.

2018 年 03 月 18 日


2015 年 03 月 17 日

意大利 RAI公司出品,讲述了一个贵族大小姐的婚姻故事。


  让-雅克·阿诺将执导聚焦2019年巴黎圣母院大火事件的新片[燃烧的巴黎圣母院](Notre Dame On Fire,暂译)。阿诺将与托马斯·彼得葛恩([预言者])共同操刀剧本。巴黎圣母院于法国当地时间2019年4月15日18时50分左右发生大火,失火点位于教堂阁楼处。大火导致其尖顶坍塌,中后部的木质屋顶完全被烧毁,而其石制的拱顶大部分得以保存。几百名消防员彻夜扑救,直至第二天黎明,大火得以扑灭,挽救了建筑物的整体结构。影片将聚焦大火发生的24小时。

1957 年 11 月 03 日


2024 年 04 月 19 日


《罪恶之城2》由三个独立的故事组成,其中一个来自来自弗兰克·米勒的漫画《红颜祸水》(A Dame to Kill For),另外两个则是弗兰克·米勒为电影新创的故事。《红颜祸水》(A Dame to Kill For)——这是米勒sin city系列漫画(共7部)中的一部。“续集主要来自《红颜祸水》,”米勒说,“这部漫画也是由一系列短篇组成的,包括《另一个周六夜》和另外两个故事。其中一个涉及到第一部电影中杰西卡·阿尔芭饰演的角色Nancy Callahan;这个角色是为了让几个故事能够结合在一起,并和第一部电影联系起来。” 《红颜祸水》的主要故事讲的是主人公Dwight McCarthy(第一部中由克里夫·欧文饰演),一位生活严谨,避免麻烦的摄影师,遇到了他过去生活中无法对其说“不”的那个女人,她因为遭受丈夫的虐待,面临着危险而向Dwight求助。Dwight应该相信她么?

2024 年 01 月 01 日

Almost a year after the death of her mother, April begins to hear a strange noise occasionally throughout her daily life. This interference eventually leads her on a wild hunt which seemingly hints towards the idea that her mother's death may not be all what it seems.

  本片的故事接续迪士尼电影《钟楼怪人》,在原本电影的最后,Quasimodo 虽然成为巴黎人们心目中的英雄,但他的爱情却无法得偿所愿…每当传统的 Jour D'Amour 节庆到来时,巴黎圣母院古老的大钟 La Fidele 将会被敲响,巴黎的爱侣们一听到钟声,都会大声喊出爱人的名字,就会获得上天神灵的神圣祝福。然而,每当敲钟人 Quasimodo 在此刻敲响 La Fidele 大钟时,心中又会是何种感触呢?这一年的 Jour D'Amour 节庆到来前夕,巴黎街头来了一个神秘的马戏团,马戏团的团长 Sarousch 其实图谋不轨,计划要偷取圣母院的 La Fidele 大钟,这可以为他带来一大笔的财富,于是他派出他的美丽助手 Madellaine ,去迷惑 Quasimodo 的心,后来 Madellaine 被 Quasimodo 感动而良心发现,但 La Fidele 大钟还是落入 Sarousch 的手中,为了要夺回大钟,于是 Quasimodo 在一干好友的鼎力相助下,包括 Esmeralda 、Phoebus,以及他们的儿子 Zephyr ,还有那三个石兽,最后终于才夺回大钟,并且也让 Quasimodo 找到真爱,这一年敲响 La Fidele 大钟的同时,他也有一个可以让他大声吶喊的名字了。

巴黎圣母院 / 钟楼怪人   艾斯米拉达(玛琳·奥哈拉 Maureen O'Hara 饰)是一位善良而又迷人的吉普赛女郎,巴黎圣母院的神父克洛德(托马斯·米切尔 Thomas Mitchell 饰)在内心里被她迷得神魂颠倒。卡西莫多(查尔斯·劳顿 Charles Laughton 饰)是教堂的撞钟人,他天生生得一副丑陋异常的容貌,没有人愿意多看他一眼。 神父指使卡西莫多将艾斯米拉达绑架至圣母院,计划却被上尉菲比斯(艾伦·马歇尔 Alan Marshal 饰)扰乱。菲比斯救了艾斯米拉达,得到了她的芳心,可是之后菲比斯遇袭,艾斯米拉达却站到了被告人的席位之上。按照法律艾斯米拉达即将被判处绞刑,然而却是卡西莫多救了她。前者将她藏到了圣母院中,渐渐的,艾斯米拉达在卡西莫多丑陋的外表之下看到了一颗真挚而又善良的心。

Listening in to a conversation between his doctor and parents, 10-year-old Oscar learns what nobody has the courage to tell him. He only has a few weeks to live. Furious, he refuses to speak to anyone except straight-talking Rose, the lady in pink he meets on the hospital stairs. As Christmas approaches, Rose uses her fantastical experiences as a professional wrestler, her imagination, wit and charm to allow Oscar to live life and love to the full, in the company of his friends Pop Corn, Einstein, Bacon and childhood sweetheart Peggy Blue. Written by American Film Market

2024 年 01 月 10 日

Zach and Tyler, two minimum wage workers for the Department of Energy and Matter Organization, embark on a mission to save the Universe when their outdated equipment rips a hole in time-space. Before the end of the day, they must set everything right or risk Universal destruction in a reverse Big Bang.

Jesus Franco directs and stars in this cut-copy-and-paste-version of one of his own movies. Here, he plays a mad priest going around killing sinful people in the name of God, all while trying to get a book published.

2023 年 05 月 11 日
2019 年 12 月 18 日


  二十一世纪第一个十年,当时联邦区发生了一系列谋杀案,使首都警方陷入危机:多名老年妇女在自己家中被勒死。受害者的特征引发了社会的愤慨和前所未有的媒体关注。总检察长办公室投入了所有的资源和努力,以抓捕墨西哥历史上最臭名昭著的连环杀手。目击者将他描述为一个高大、强壮、假装是护士以获取受害者信任的人。在超过四十起谋杀案、多次失败的逮捕和众多矛盾之后,一个女人在2006年1月的白天被逮捕,当时她正逃离案发现场。她的名字叫胡安娜·巴拉扎,在摔跤界被称为“La Dama del Silencio”,并在媒体中被冠以“The Little Old Ladykiller”的称号。这个昵称已经成为墨西哥黑人历史及其无与伦比的流行文化的一部分。


2024 年 01 月 26 日
1955 年 10 月 04 日

这部电影几乎以纪录片的形式记录了第二次世界大战中1943年5月16日晚上英国皇家空军执行的“惩戒行动”。 要炸掉水坝,可不是容易的事情,电影详细介绍了炸弹设计者的设计过程,以及英国军方采纳这个计划的过程(因为乍听起来实在像是天方夜谭),这个片子看起来决不乏味,甚至是相当令人激动地。该片获第28届奥斯卡最佳效果奖提名及第9届英国电影学院最佳电影,最佳英国电影和最佳编剧3项提名。


A unique casting agency!

Rising from the ashes. The race to restore the treasured icon of Gothic architecture after a devastating fire, by the experts fighting to bring it back to life.

Movies from the novels by Luca Bianchini

“Hana-Dama”—a flower in the wasteland. This flower is a symbol of earthly desires and every human is overwhelmed by desire and their rationality collapses wherever the flower is in bloom. And even today, the “Hana-Dama” continues to blossom profusely somewhere in the world.

1986 年 01 月 01 日


2008 年 12 月 25 日

A widow has two daughters. Louise, lazy she spoils and Marie who dutifully and eagerly helps her mother around the house. One day Marie falls into the well and wakes up on a flowery meadow in a land of dreams, where even bread and apple tree can talk.

Cassie Nightingale, a raven-haired enchantress with a hint of magic, moves into the town of Middleton's haunted Grey House.

根据英国小说家苏珊·希尔(Susan Hill)的畅销小说改编。

《小姐与流浪汉》(Lady and the Tramp)是美国迪士尼公司出品的第15部动画电影,《小姐与流浪汉2:狗儿逃家记》是2001年由Darrell Rooney执导,斯考特·沃夫等人主演的美国动画片。

Long-running horror series which focuses on puppets animated by an Egyptian spell, each equipped with their own unique and dangerous device. It has spawned thirteen installments since 1989, as well as a crossover film with the Demonic Toys series, and a standalone reboot released in 2018.

明崇祯皇帝登基,大太监魏忠贤(金世杰 饰)及其“阉党”被锦衣卫倾巢覆灭。锦衣卫中以卢剑星(王千源 饰)、沈炼(张震 饰)和靳一川(李东学 饰)三结拜兄弟最为勇猛正直。老大卢剑星为了升官百户,沈炼为替教坊司妓女周妙彤(刘诗诗 饰)赎身,三弟靳一川为摆脱浪人丁修(周一围 饰)的纠缠,三兄弟决定接受东厂都督赵靖忠(聂远 饰)追杀魏忠贤的秘密行动。行动中三人遭到魏忠贤义女魏廷(朱丹 饰)带队阻拦,一场腥风血雨后魏忠贤尸首被带回,卢剑星如愿以偿升官百户,本以为三人夙愿皆能实现,但没想到沈炼竟然隐瞒了一个天大的秘密,并且引起了大臣韩旷(赵立新 饰)的怀疑。此后三兄弟都面临着生命危险,沈炼终于说出真相但为时已晚,与一川相好的医馆女子(叶青 饰)和周妙彤都被牵连其中。面对危机,沈炼决意带着兄弟、爱人离开京城,朝廷腐朽混乱,小人物的命运将何去何从?

传奇海盗哥尔•D•罗杰在临死前曾留下关于其毕生的财富“One Piece”的消息,由此引得群雄并起,众海盗们为了这笔传说中的巨额财富展开争夺,各种势力、政权不断交替,整个世界进入了动荡混乱的“大海贼时代”。生长在东海某小村庄的路飞受到海贼香克斯的精神指引,决定成为一名出色的海盗。为了达成这个目标,并找到万众瞩目的One Piece,路飞踏上艰苦的旅程。一路上他遇到了无数磨难,也结识了索隆、娜美、乌索普、香吉、罗宾等一众性格各异的好友。他们携手一同展开充满传奇色彩的大冒险……海贼王剧场版是根据《海贼王》漫画改编,由东映原创的一系列动画电影。

Zentropa Entertainments制作的剧情片,由拉斯·冯·提尔执导,夏洛特·甘斯布和斯特兰·斯卡斯加德领衔主演,该片主要讲述了单身汉塞里格曼无意间帮助了”坏女人“乔,通过她的倾诉,了解到了她从出生到50岁的性欲历程的故事。(共2部)




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