نصيحة : يمكنك استخدام هذا الفلتر 'y:' لعرض نتائج بحثك حسب السنة المدخلة. مثال : 'star wars y:1977'.

نوفمبر 20, 1976

(روكي) شاب لا يملك من المواهب سوى قدرته على الملاكمة، وتستغله العصابات في هذا المجال، يحب (روكي) فتاة تدعى (إدريان) وهى تشبهه في نقائه وبراءته، بعد ذلك يُعلن بطل العالم في الملاكمة عن عودته للملاعب مع خصم جديد غير معروف، و يقع الاختيار على (روكي) الذي يبذل كل جهده لمصارعته ﻷنها فرصة عمره المنتظرة.

يناير 17, 1948

Out fishing one day, painter John Hammond and his son Chris come across Bert Hillman, the foreman of a local ranch. He and his ranch hand are searching for a wild dog that killed one of their sheep. They find the animal and kill it, along with one of its puppies, but after they leave Hammond and his son discover another puppy still alive. They take it home and call it Rocky. John believes that a dog descended from sheep-killers will himself become a sheep-killer someday, but e gives his son a chance to raise and train the dog, hoping that he can train the killer instinct from it. Unfortunately, local farmers have reported an epidemic of sheep-killings, and they suspect that Rocky is responsible for them.

يوليو 1, 2017

Rocky is a very special friend. Like all good friends, always gives great tips, even when those suggestions can make him vanish forever.

سبتمبر 22, 2006

Rocky is a short-tempered guy who makes an enemy in Anthony. Ultimately, it leads to Rocky's girlfriend being killed and a shattered Rocky leaving the country. But Rocky's past returns to haunt him.

نوفمبر 21, 2018

A boy looks for all sorts of jobs in a small town in order to pay for his sick brother’s medicine. He eventually decides to enter his rooster in fights.

أكتوبر 5, 1976

Rocky comprises a single monitor video and fourteen related drawings. The video begins with a man, McCarthy himself, waiting before the camera with his back turned and then turning to face it. Wearing shorts and boxing gloves, he begins to address the viewer in muttered sounds which mimic the manner in which actor Sylvester Stallone speaks as the character Rocky in the eponymous 1976 film. He begins occasionally to hit himself on the head, as though to clear his thoughts and to demonstrate his virility, but gradually the number and violence of the blows increases. It appears as though the Rocky character is having an imaginary fight with another person, but as the film develops it turns into a masochistic fight with himself.

نوفمبر 21, 1985

بعد أن قتل الرجل الحديدي دراغو ، وهو رياضي سوفيتي يبلغ طوله 6 أقدام و 5 و 261 رطلاً ، أبولو كريد في مباراة استعراضية ، يأتي روكي إلى قلب روسيا ليخوض 15 جولة انتقامية من الملاكمة.

يناير 24, 2020

Rocky is 15 years old and has stopped going to school. His social life is on the internet and he sits up every night to play computer games. One day he gets a friend request on Skype from Jackson. She lives in Phoenix, Arizona and doesn't go to school either. They fall in love, and Rocky starts a journey that will change his life.

أكتوبر 19, 2020

Roc has decided that his end-of-the-year performance is the replay of a musical number. The director of the institute will not allow it under any circumstances. Roc has Down syndrome and is passionate about “Rocky Horror Picture Show”.

ديسمبر 20, 2006

يعود الملاكم الشهير (روكي) مجددًا، لكن هذه المرة يظهر ملاكمًا متقاعدًا، ويستمتع بحياة مستقرة وسط محبيه الذين يتذكرون بطولاته وأيامه المجيدة، لكن هذا لا يطول كثيرًا حينما يقرر (روكي) خوض معركته النهائية أمام بطل الوزن الثقيل (ماسون) من أجل الحصول على لقب أعظم ملاكم في التاريخ.

مايو 28, 1982

بعد سيطرته على لقب العالم، يصبح (روكي) و(أبولو) صديقين مقربين، وعندما يهزم (روكي) من قبل منافسه الوحشي (لانج)، والذي تسبب بدون قصد في وفاة مدرب (روكي)، يصبح (روكي) محبط ويائس، فيقوم (أبولو) بتشجيعه، كما يصبح مدربًا له، لإعادة تأهيله من أجل استعادة روحه القتالية، والفوز على (لانج).

نوفمبر 16, 1990

يترك (روكي) الملاكمة علي مضض بعدما لحقت به إصابه بالغة في رأسه على الحلبة من قبل الملاكم الروسي (إيفان دراغو)، تاركاً معه عالم الثاء ليعود إلى الفقر، ويعمل مع تلميذ جديد يدعى (تومي غان) ويقوم بتدريبه ليصبح بطلا من جديد، ولكن الإعلام يقوم بتلقيب (تومى) بفتى (روكى) مما يوقع الضغينة والمشاكل بينهما ، الأمر الذى يؤدى إلي أن يتحداه (تومى) .

يونيو 15, 1979

بعد القتال الكبير الذي أبداه (روكي) في مباراته أمام بطل العالم (أبوللو كريد)، والتي أثبت فيها وجوده كملاكم، يقرر أن يعتزل الملاكمة ويعيش في هدوء، وبالفعل يتم تعيينه في عمل بالمبيعات، ولكن سوء تصرفه في المواقف يتسبب في تركه لهذا العمل، مما يتسبب في مروره بضائقة مالية شديدة، خصوصًا مع استعداد زوجته لاستقبال مولودهم الجديد، في الوقت نفسه الذي يعيش فيه بطل العالم حالة من الغضب بسبب مباراته العصيبة أمام (روكي)، وكثرة المنتقدين له، وهو ما جعله يرغب في تنظيم مباراة ضخمة ضد (روكي) يستعيد فيها كرامته أمام مشجعيه ومنتقديه، وهو ما يوافق عليه (روكي) استجابة لحاجات أسرته المادية، بالرغم من تحذيرات الأطباء، فهل سيستطيع (روكي) في هذه المرة القتال بشكل ناجح؟.

Rocky and Bullwinkle have been living off the finances made from the reruns of their cartoon show. Boris and Natasha somehow manage to crossover into reality and team up with Fearless Leader, an evil criminal turned media mogul with some evil plans up his sleeve. Rocky and Bullwinkle must stop the three of them before they wreak havoc.

يونيو 14, 1986

Not to be confused with any of the sequels to Sylvester Stallone's classic Oscar-winning Rocky, this short film from Finnish filmmaker Aki Kaurismäki is actually meant as a parody of the late Cold War-era Rocky IV, which saw Stallone's character taking on a juiced-up Russian fighter played by Dolph Lundgren. In this 1986 send-up, Rock'y, played by Silu Seppala, goes head to head with Soviet Igor (Sakari Kuosmanen) and loses.

سبتمبر 29, 1975

يكتشف الحبيبان براد وجانيت ، العالقان بإطار مثقوب أثناء العاصفة ، القصر المخيف للدكتور فرانك إن فورتر ، عالم متخنث. مع فقدان براءتهما ، يلتقي "براد" و "جانيت" بعدد كبير من الشخصيات البرية ، بما في ذلك راكب الدراجة النارية المتأرجح وخادم شخصي مخيف. من خلال الرقصات المتقنة وأغاني الروك ، كشف Frank-N-Furter عن أحدث إبداعاته: رجل عضلي يدعى "Rocky".

Sweethearts Brad and Janet, stuck with a flat tire during a storm, discover the eerie mansion of Dr. Frank-N-Furter, a gender ambiguous scientist. As their innocence is lost, Brad and Janet meet a houseful of wild characters, including a rocking biker and a creepy butler. Through elaborate dances and rock songs, Frank-N-Furter unveils her latest creation: a muscular man named 'Rocky'.

ديسمبر 22, 2017

Sarah Davis heads to her uncle’s struggling ranch to escape New York and the spotlight from a recent breakup. Returning home for the first time since her aunt passed, complications arise when Graham, an entitled Hollywood star, arrives at the ranch to prepare for his next film. As Sarah and Graham start to bond, Sarah may get more for Christmas than she bargained for.

أكتوبر 30, 2021

Fight alongside Sylvester Stallone as he creates a brand-new director's cut of Rocky IV: ROCKY VS. DRAGO. This feature-length documentary offers a personal and uncompromising look into the editing process, captured by Sly's longtime friend and fellow filmmaker John Herzfeld.

Sylvester Stallone and John G. Avildsen narrate behind-the-scenes footage from the making of "Rocky" to mark the film's 40th anniversary.

سبتمبر 1, 2008

The world-famous talking moose and flying squirrel are back in The Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle, a comedy about two goofball friends who end up in harrowing situations but end up saving the day time and again. As their silly ambitions dovetail with Fearless Leader's sinister plans to take over the world, they are set on a collision course with his notorious super spies Boris and Natasha.

سبتمبر 2, 1985
يوليو 11, 2015

There's no such thing as "a regular day" at Denver's Planned Pethood Plus veterinary clinic. For 80,000-plus clients and their pets, the clinic and its maverick ER vet Dr. Jeff Young represent one last hope and possibly the difference between life and death.

فبراير 23, 1954

Rocky Jones, Space Ranger was a syndicated science fiction television serial originally broadcast in 1954. The show lasted for only two seasons and, though syndicated sporadically, dropped into obscurity. Because it was recorded on film rather than being broadcast live as were most other TV space operas of the day, it has survived in reasonably good condition. The film format also allowed more elaborate special effects and sets, exterior scenes, and much better continuity.

Mel B, Ruby Wax and Emily Atack go on a historic, raucous road trip.

سبتمبر 2, 1985

Rocky Road is an American situation comedy that was originally broadcast on the Superstation WTBS cable network from September 2, 1985 to June 26, 1987. Produced by Arthur Annecharico, the series follows three young siblings who run a beach-front ice cream parlor, and aired Monday nights as part of WTBS' line-up of original "family programming", which also included Down to Earth and Safe at Home. During its three season run, the series stars Maylo McCaslin, Desiree Boschetti, Georg Olden, Lily Moon, and Marcianne Warman.

مارس 5, 2018

Follow the resilient crews who battle ferocious weather and treacherous terrain to keep Canada’s critical freight and passenger trains rolling. It’s an exclusive journey through the icy mountain wilderness on the country’s most extreme railway.

نوفمبر 19, 1959

A variety show, with the main feature being the serialized adventures of the two title characters, the anthropomorphic moose Bullwinkle and flying squirrel Rocky. The main adversaries in most of their adventures are the Russian-like spies Boris Badenov and Natasha Fatale. Supporting segments include Dudley Do-Right, Peabody's Improbable History, and Fractured Fairy Tales, among others.

Fighting Back: The Rocky Bleier Story is a 1980 made-for-television movie about the life of Pittsburgh Steelers running back Rocky Bleier, starring Robert Urich. It was released on 7 December 1980.

It tells the story of Rocky Bleier, who, after becoming a running back for the Pittsburgh Steelers in 1968 was then drafted by the U.S. Army during the Vietnam War. Injured by a bullet to the thigh and a hand grenade to the lower right leg, Rocky is told that he will never walk again. Not only does he walk again after a long rehabilitation, Rocky returns to train with the Steelers. With the sympathy and support of Steelers' owner, Art Rooney, played by Art Carney, Rocky makes the team again, and helps the Steelers become Super Bowl champions.

مارس 3, 2018

The extraordinary staff at the Humane Society of the Pikes Peak Region risk their lives and give their hearts to save all animals big and small.

يناير 1, 2019

Rocky and the Dodos was a stop motion animated television series seen on CITV in 1998 and 1999 about a group of dodos who lived on a far off island. The show was animated by Cosgrove Hall. It was created by two women named Isabell Mills and Shanii Novak. Rocky And The Dodos is rumored[by whom?] to return on Mini CITV on 20 May 2012.

يوليو 8, 2015

Sheriff Deputies in the counties of Boulder, Eagle and Grand, Colorado fight crime in America’s most rugged terrain: The Rocky Mountains. Intense manhunts by foot, skis and snowmobiles; attempting to solve complex murders and drug running mysteries, are all in a day's work while trying to keep the Rockies one of the most beautiful places on earth. Follow officers as they protect and serve both the residents and the majestic mountains.

شابٌ .. يتيم .. مُشرد هارب في طفولته من ملجأ الأيتام يعيش حياته في الشوارع وبين الأزقة، تحتويه الأحياء الفقيرة بغضبه وحزنه.. جو الذي دائمًا ما يتورط في نزاعات تنهيها قبضته القوية لكي يحافظ على مأواه ويفرض قوته وهيبته على خصومة مشرّدي الأحياء الأخرى! وفي احدى تلك النزاعات.. يرى المدرب السكير دانبي في هذا الفتى ملاكمًا موهوبًا.. فيحاول إقناعه بالدخول إلى هذا العالم ولكن… يتورط جو في مشكلات يدخل على إثرها إصلاحية الشباب،حيث يقابل فيها ورو ريكيشي وإثر خلافٍ بينهما هناك يتعاهد الإثنان على المواجهة في حلبة الملاكمة كخصميْن، ولأجل الوفاء بهذا الوعد، خرج يابوكي جو من الإصلاحية راغباً في أن يكون ملاكمًا وخصمًا يليق بـ ريكيشي.

Rocky Hollow was a stop-motion animation children's television series made in Wales. The show is narrated by Peter Sallis, who became the voice of Wallace in Wallace and Gromit

This was the first children's television show produced by Bumper Films which later made Fireman Sam, Starhill Ponies and Joshua Jones for the BBC in production with S4C, Mike Young Productions and Prism Art and Design Ltd.

The whole series has been released on various videos but so far has not been released on DVD until 2014.

نوفمبر 21, 2018

A boy looks for all sorts of jobs in a small town in order to pay for his sick brother’s medicine. He eventually decides to enter his rooster in fights.

يوليو 1, 2017

Rocky is a very special friend. Like all good friends, always gives great tips, even when those suggestions can make him vanish forever.

The Rocky Horror Picture Show is a 1975 musical comedy horror film directed by Jim Sharman. The screenplay was written by Sharman and actor Richard O'Brien, who is also a member of the cast. The production is a parody tribute to the science fiction and horror B movies of the 1930s through to the early 1960s. Along with O'Brien, the film stars Tim Curry, Susan Sarandon, and Barry Bostwick and is narrated by Charles Gray. Shock Treatment is a 1981 follow-up to the 1975 film The Rocky Horror Picture Show also directed by Jim Sharman, and co-written by Sharman and Richard O'Brien. While not an outright sequel, the film does feature several characters from the previous film, most portrayed by different actors, as well as several Rocky Horror actors in new roles. The film stars Jessica Harper as Janet and Cliff De Young in a dual role as Brad and the film's main antagonist Farley Flavors, with O'Brien and Patricia Quinn playing sibling character actors.

Rocky Jones film series starring Richard Crane.

These sport drama films begin by telling the rags to riches American Dream story of Rocky Balboa, an uneducated but kind-hearted working class Italian-American boxer working as a debt collector for a loan shark in the slums of Philadelphia.

Two movies that recap the first and second season of Osamu Dezaki's "Ashita no Joe" series.

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