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Dans un avenir proche, la civilisation humaine est devenue si peuplée qu’elle a été forcée d’aller rechercher un nouveau foyer à travers la galaxie. Tout se déroulait bien, lorsque la Lune changea soudainement d’apparence…

La famille royale est composée du Roi Rufus, de la Reine Eleanor et de leurs 3 enfants : Rosalind, Peter et Alex. Ils vivent dans un immense château, entourés de leurs domestiques Frederick et Allistair.

It has been ten years since Feng Xiaoqin, a foreign daughter-in-law married with a big belly, to the Gu family, but Gu Qingyu, the eldest aunt, has always been wary of this woman who wrote "change her destiny" on her face. Feng Xiaoqin urged her husband Gu Lei to borrow money from her twin sister Gu Qingyu to buy a house, but Gu Qingyu deftly resolved her and revealed her plan to buy a luxury house. After Gu Lei's unexpected death, the conflict between aunts and sisters continued to escalate, and the single mother Feng Xiaoqin was almost desperate. For the dream of her youth, Gu Qingyu reshaped her cognition of life in reality and dreams, from flash marriage to flash divorce. The two women have gone from confrontation to mutual understanding. No matter how stormy the future may be, they will carry the family together.

A beautiful and intimate look into the pivotal, life-changing songs, moments and experiences of brilliant musicians that inspire the world over.

A struggling mom in a stale marriage, longs for thrills of her past life. When a young man enters her home and introduces her and her husband to flirting games, the couple's relationship gets rekindled. But can their marriage survive?

Based on the true events of the battle of Songmaoling in 1934, the drama follows the determination of young soldiers as they defend Songmaoling for seven days and nights.

Song Ji Hyo, popular actress and reality show star, hosts “Song Ji Hyo’s Beautiful Life,” a beauty program that has her going out and completing missions. The show will differ from other traditional beauty shows that focus on makeup tips and products and provide a fun take on beauty and healthy lifestyles.

Childhood playmates Li Tao and Zhang Sheng get to know each other by fate and mutually support each other through tennis. Facing family’s objection towards the path of tennis, Zhang Sheng supported Li Tao’s decision; Li Tao gave her encouragement to move forward when faced with accidental injury which could endanger her professional tennis career. They gradually fell in love after overcoming obstacles after another.

Zhang Sheng’s eternal protector, Wei Chang and Fu Meng Meng who likes him, both pursue their dreams and love bravely. They are fearless even if they got hurt in the process. These youngsters finally grew up with the will and morale of Youth.

12 octobre 2008

"Dong Puno Live" is a live, debate program of ABS-CBN shown late nights in the Philippines.

28 décembre 2019

How Long Will You Live? is an Irish television series broadcast on RTÉ One. Presented by Mark Hamilton, it has so far run for a total of four series. Each week Hamilton examines a different individual with an unhealthy lifestyle, estimates their lifespan and attempts to increase that lifespan by implementing his own techniques into a plan to improve that person's lifestyle. The fourth series began airing on 7 January 2009. The series is sponsored by Flora.

1 novembre 2021

Xiao Gang Da Zong Li Xiao Gang Da Zong Li Xiao Gang Da Zong Li Xiao Gang Da Zong Li

This Love is Like a Song 2

The Drive of Life is a 2007 grand production drama by TVB and CCTV as a joint production. It was specially filmed to celebrate the 10th Anniversary of the handover of Hong Kong back to China from Britain during the period of 1997-2007.

The theme of the series revolves around the automobile industry in China. Told in flashback from 1994, the ups and downs and transformations that Hong Kong has been experiencing before and after the transfer of the sovereignty of Hong Kong is used as a narrative device. The series was filmed in Hong Kong, Beijing, Ningbo and Vancouver from early October 2006 until May 2007. The automobiles featured in the series are from Geely Automobile, as a fictional brand name "Hua-Zhe". This film ties with TVB drama "War and Beauty" for the record of having the most "Best Actress" winners, where Jessica Hsuan, Charmaine Sheh, Sheren Tang and Myolie Wu won their respective "Best Actress" awards in 1999, 2006, 2009/2010, and 2011.

Fong Li

Interprétationle bras armé de la Loi

Fong Li

InterprétationMidnight Whispers

Jang Se-chool est le chef d'une bande criminelle. Il est amoureux de Kang So-hyeon depuis trois ans, mais elle le repousse. Un jour, pour qu'il renonce à elle, Kang So-hyeon lui dit qu'elle veut devenir la Première Dame. Jang Se-chool est déconcerté par cette annonce. Pendant ce temps, son ami Jeong Choon-taek est condamné à mort. Ses amis lui disent que sa date d'exécution a été fixée. Personne ne peut le sauver sauf, peut-être, le président sud-coréen. Pour épouser Kang So-hyeon et sauver son ami, Jang Se-chool décide de devenir président de la république.

Le film retrace le parcours exceptionnel de Nelson Mandela, de son enfance en milieu rural à son investiture comme premier président de la République d’Afrique du Sud élu démocratiquement. Mandela: Long Walk to Freedom raconte le destin passionnant d’un homme ordinaire qui sut s’insurger contre l’ordre établi et faire triompher ses convictions. Un portrait intime qui célèbre l’édification d’une icône moderne.

A quinze ans, Howie est bien seul. Sa mère vient de mourir, son père est un escroc sans égards pour lui et il n'a pas d'autres distractions à Long Island que de cambrioler des maisons avec sa bande de copains, tous aussi désabusés que lui.Lors d'un vol avec son meilleur ami Gary, sa route va croiser celle de Big John, un homme étrange d'une cinquantaine d'années, qui semble entretenir avec Gary une relation des plus intimes. Howie, intrigué, va développer des rapports complexes et dérangeants avec Big John...

19 décembre 1986

New York 1976. King Kong gît au pied du World Trade Center. Il n'est pas mort et une équipe de médecins et chercheurs de l'Institut d'Atlanta le recueille et rétablit ses fonctions biologiques. Seulement Kong donne des signes de faiblesse et l'implantation d'un coeur artificiel s'impose. C'est alors qu'un aventurier, Hank Mitchell, découvre, dans la jungle de Bornéo, un gigantesque gorille femelle, Lady Kong qu'il revend à l'Institut.

24 mai 2024

After Lennon is inducted to a drug operation, he learns about a turf war revolving around his college campus. Lennon unites with his professor Tolliver and marijuana connoisseur Thunder, to help grow the empire. The companions decide it's time to take a stand in this war and they're not going to lose.

Découvrez le plus grand groupe virtuel de la planète dans les cinémas du monde entier à l’occasion de la diffusion sur grand écran du très acclamé “Song Machine Live” de Gorillaz.

Y sont présentés des chansons du projet Song Machine, ainsi que quelques grands classiques du groupe, le tout dans une expérience visuelle avec les images de Jamie Hewlett.

Le guitariste Noodle, le bassiste Murdoc Niccals, le batteur Russel et le frontman 2D présentent leur première performance live depuis 2018, rejoints par Damon Albarn et tous les musiciens du groupe Gorillaz, ainsi que quelques guest-stars prestigieuses.

Ce film inclus également des interviews et des images exclusives des coulisses.

Enseignant depuis de nombreuses années à West Point, Martin Maher se souvient des premiers jours qu'il a passés au sein de l'école militaire. Immigrant irlandais, Martin est un cadet combatif et rétif à toute forme de discipline. Pourtant, sous la houlette du capitaine Kohler, Martin comprend peu à peu les règles qui régissent l'école avant de devenir l'assistant de l'officier. Il s'occupe à son tour de jeunes cadets, employant les méthodes de son mentor…

A story about a party-animal Sati, a man whose attitude has left a broken family at home. Meta, his wife, is preparing to leave him. At age 15, his daughter, Namo is already jaded from a lifetime of broken promises.

The Members travel to China's Hong Kong for this International Concert held at KITEC Star Hall, tilied "早安少女組。'17香港演唱會".

The film takes up the tale of Shaolin students Fong Si Yu and Hung Si Kwan (joined here by a third comrade, Lu Ka Chai) and their efforts to battle Ching oppressors. Their chief antagonist is the Abbot of Wutang who makes it his job to get rid of the three heroes and actually comes up with a clever plan to do so. He creates three exact doubles of the heroes and trains them to fight their counterparts.

Gros plan sur le travail du réalisateur coréen Lee Chang-Dong. Les interprètes de ses films et sa co-scénariste apportent leurs témoignages.

Jean le joueur de piano, un nouveau chanteur prometteur, à un jeune homme beau dans night-club de Paris. Du contact au contrat, la Géorgie est bientôt en voyage à Hong Kong avec Mitzi, un autre artiste de cabaret, le pianiste et l'homme avec qui elle est en train de flirter. Dans leur première nuit, les filles regardent un homme attaqué et enlevé par une paire de voyous locaux. La prochaine chose, ils sont en train de lire à propos de la mort de l'homme dans les journaux, et sont chassés par les criminels.

This documentary tells the story of Bruce Lee and his unsuccessful efforts to start a acting career in the U.S., he returned to Hong Kong where he became an international star, and his death at age 32.

"Take the Long Way Home" est un concert de Roger Hodgson, ancien guitariste-pianiste-chanteur du groupe rock britannique Supertramp. Il témoigne d'un concert donné à Montréal le 6 juin 2006

Bruce Liang plays a Chinese Kung Fu movie star, who during his free time carries on a one-man crusade against drug dealers. The villains trick Liang into signing up to appear in a new martial arts movie. The plan is to kill Our Hero while the cameras are running, and make it look like an accident.

In October 2015, Ivana Wong teamed up with award-winning singer-songwriter/producer Alex Fung and the Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra for the Fragrance of Music live held at the Hong Kong Cultural Centre Concert Hall. Fung, who has arranged and produced many of Ivana's songs, served as the concert's music director and pianist. This concert DVD features 25 live recordings including "I Come From Venus," "Little Hero," "Doomsday," The Lord's Prayer and Verdi: Requiem, Dies Irae.

A short action film interwoven into a documentary tells the story of the legendary unsung heroes of Hong Kong film, the stuntmen and women. This film features the world's most illustrious stuntmen, and many current working stuntmen, profiled through interviews and clips that showcase their work. It explores their death-defying feats and foolhardy working methods and traces their origin back to the original Hong Kong stuntmen known as "red trousers" - a term used to describe acrobats in Peking Opera. By incorporating the martial arts, fantasy, adventure short action film, "Lost Time," the viewer is given an actual account of how stunts are created and executed on film.

Le légendaire duo pop rock britannique-australien, Air Supply apporte sa puissante signature sonore à Hong Kong pour un concert live. Formé en 1975 avec le guitariste et auteur-compositeur-interprète Graham Russell et le chanteur principal Russell Hitchcock, Air Supply a connu une succession de tubes dans le monde entier, dont "Lost in Love", "Every Woman in the World", "Even the Nights Are Better" et "All Par amour". Les albums Lost in Love, The One That You Love, Now & Forever et The Greatest Hits se sont vendus à plus de 20 millions d'exemplaires avec "Lost in Love" comme chanson de l'année en 1980. Le son caractéristique du ténor en plein essor de Russell Hitchcock voix et les chansons simples mais majestueuses de Graham Russell ont créé un son unique qui sera à jamais connu sous le nom d'Air Supply. Cet incroyable concert capture la magie, la puissance, l'énergie et le romantisme d'une performance classique d'Air Supply

Hacken Lee's perfect voice finds the perfect accompaniment! The pitch-perfect singer collaborated with the Hong Kong Sinfonietta and conductor Yip Wing Sze for a series of concerts at the Hong Kong Coliseum in July 2011. Hacken sang over 30 songs with the orchestra including unforgettable hits like "Blue Moon", "Deep Deep Deep", "Moonlight Sonata", "I Can't Sing", and "Red Day", as well as his new song "Galaxy". He also performed "Romeo and Juliet in Sarajevo", "Best Position", "Short Date", and "Why Did I Let You Leave" for the first time, earning great cheers from the audience.

Justice League films set in the Tomorrowverse.

Les plus grands super-héros du monde, menés par Superman, Batman, Green Lantern, Wonder Woman, Martian Manhunter, Flash, et Hawkgirl collaborent avec le soutien de leurs amis pour lutter plus efficacement contre la criminalité grandissante et les nouvelles menaces d'invasions extra-terrestres. Gardiens de la justice, ils sont le dernier rempart pour déjouer les conspirations les plus machiavéliques.

Cette collection comprend les films "Piège en haute mer" et "Piège à grande vitesse" avec Steven Seagal dans le rôle de Casey Ryback.

The Swan Princess Series is based upon the folk tale and ballet, Swan Lake. The story is transformed into a playfully fun adventure with exciting music, lovable forest friends, and of course, the handsome Prince Derek. The first movie is a 1994 American animated musical fantasy film. The film has been followed by seven direct-to-video sequels and is the only film of the series to be theatrical.

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