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2014 年 08 月 20 日

《新济公活佛》是由拉风娱乐出品,梁辛全担任总导演,陈浩民、穆婷婷、林子聪、陈威翰、钱璇等主演。 [1] 该剧各单元讲述了济公在凡间济世救人,降妖除魔,普渡众生的故事。

2022 年 02 月 17 日

After being betrayed, Nawras and his friend Ragheed go on a suicide mission to obtain papers that enable them to control and influence decisions and a global Mafia trade.

2022 年 03 月 04 日

A slice of life drama that explores the overwhelming, messy, difficult and beautiful experiences of 5 teens as they navigate relationships, sexuality, grades, an online life, family pressures and taking risks during their final year.

1995 年 01 月 14 日



2021 年 10 月 04 日

This series charts the exclusive inside story of the 8-billion-dollar race to build America’s first major new airport in 25 years. 30 million passengers a year pass through LaGuardia Airport in New York, but this critical hub is run down and over capacity, causing delays. Over the course of 9 years, 7000 architects, engineers and construction workers must attempt the impossible; rebuild the entire airport from the ground up, to create a state-of-the-art, fully unified facility, without affecting its operation.


2017 年 10 月 22 日
2023 年 12 月 23 日

The story, from 1600 to the present day, of the ruthless competition between Amsterdam (Netherlands), London (UK) and New York (USA) for world trade supremacy, as great minds blazed paths to glory and iconic architecture soared skyward.


2008 年 10 月 11 日

It is a normal household, with a dad, a mom, and a bear.

Mork & Mindy/Laverne & Shirley/Fonz Hour is a 1982 cartoon series produced by Hanna-Barbera and Ruby-Spears Productions in association with Paramount Network Television, featuring animated versions of characters from Mork & Mindy, Laverne & Shirley, and Happy Days, all part of the same franchise. This Saturday morning series lasted for one season on ABC.

This show was divided into two segments, entitled Mork & Mindy and Laverne & Shirley with the Fonz.

2016 年 10 月 26 日


2008 年 03 月 26 日

Five teenage friends fight against an evil alien species named the Dorks in order to retrieve some peculiar and extremely dangerous explosives called the microgalaxies.

2006 年 11 月 28 日


1968 年 09 月 11 日
1995 年 01 月 01 日

When darkness and bad weather seals around the house, it's nice to just sit and huddle in front of the television.

2015 年 07 月 03 日

  民国时期,外敌入侵,军阀混战,乱世中各类江湖人物纷纷登场。不谙世事的小道士何安下(王宝强 饰),因为闹粮荒离开道观下了山,一脚踏入了光怪陆离的万丈红尘之中,遭遇到一系列诡异奇幻的人物和事件。无心之中,他被卷入太极门掌门之争,并与来华偷师的日本忍者对局。后中统特务欲招揽其做间谍,他却利用这个机会帮京剧武生查老板截杀特务头子报夺妻之恨。何安下周旋于中统、纳粹博士、倭寇和江湖之间,经历一系列匪夷所思的人物和事件。下山时他以一颗赤子之心面对一切,现在发现这个世界与他的想象有多么不同,他终于明白了临下山前师傅说过的一句话:“不择手段非豪杰,不改初衷真英雄”。

  1993年11月18日,Nirvana应邀为MTV制作Unplugged演唱会。乐队三个成员极少有地坐在凳子上,穿着干净整齐,演出了一场比他们想象中感觉要好的演唱会。"我们演出前一天还在讨论会不会坐在那里象傻子那样,可是当摄影镜头慢慢摇过来的时候,感觉突然好起来了。""你知道,这种演唱会按道理来说不会好到那里去的,我意思是说,我们根本就觉得讨厌,可是结果还挺让我们满意,我们很惊奇地感到愉快。。。   一个月后, MTV在全美播出这场演唱会。之后,他们又赴欧洲巡演。但在罗马期间,Cobain又萌生了自杀的念头,人们还发现了他写好的遗书。1994年3月1日, Nirvana在德国慕尼黑的演出成为乐队最后的一次公开表演。回国后,Cobain被强制送往康复中心戒毒。但仅过了两天,他便成功地从医院逃脱。 1994年4月5日,Kurt Cobain开枪自杀。3天后,一个电工在工作时发现了Kurt Cobain的尸体,尸体身边带有一封遗书。在葬礼上,遗孀Courtney当众口述了此遗书。1994年11月,Nirvana在MTV演出的录音作为专集『Unplugged in New York』发行。   这档电视节目录制于11月份,5个月后MTV台开始反复播放它,那时柯本刚刚自杀身亡。今天看来正是涅盘乐队改变了不插电演出的模式与风格,在当时给乐迷以巨大影响,并引发了一场录制不插电专辑的风潮。   “如果你要问是什么导致了我们的那一场表演满布愁云”,帕特.斯密尔说,“那么我只能告诉你,是恐惧的原因。我们从未想过在那样一个地方演出,我们太紧张了。”   这场演出避开了他们的流行金曲《少年心气》,翻唱了六首歌曲,还请了嘉宾出席,所有MTV台的俗套都没有免除。从乐队的神情上可以看出他们当时很紧张,然而音乐拯救了他们,当他们专注于表演的时候,紧张感被清除了。   节目制片人说:“我们请乐队的其他队员都做了必要的演讲来介绍个人情况,唯独柯本没有,他一直在躲闪。后来我们就不再勉强他了。我们明白,他有自己的表达方式和态度。不过后来,柯本让我们为他拍了一个他微笑着的镜头,我想这个微笑里,他给我们留下了某个提示。5个月后,他就离开了我们。”

2016 年 06 月 03 日


2019 年 11 月 19 日

Tells a story about a blurry photo of a woman who works in the media industry in Indonesia. This movie has several perspectives. One point of view is of a woman who works in a media and the other is about the sexual minority, people who aren’t allowed to appear on television due to their sexuality.

1926 年 07 月 04 日

Albert Gran and E.J. Ratcliffe are warring San Francisco shipping magnates; Mary Brian is Gran’s daughter and Charles (Buddy) Rogers is Ratcliffe’s athletic son. The result is a swift, exhilarating comedy, full of laughs and a nonchalant charm.

2006 年 12 月 15 日

During the holidays of Christmas, three groups of funny characters depart from Italy to spend the Christmas season in New York City.

2021 年 08 月 01 日

Not Sponsored By Skittles. After Nanos destroyed half of the skittles gang, it is up to the remaining forces of flavor, along with one returning cast member, to bring them back.

2001 年 11 月 23 日


A girl who lives with her dealer cousin and her policeman boyfriend who is a policeman regularly transports drugs from Morocco for her cousin. As all of them smoke grass from time to time there is need for more. Deciding to take a friend of hers who has just left home down to Morocco for a transport she gets problems because it is the first time for her friend and this makes it difficult. But as all are very open-minded there is no problem they would not try to solve.

1936 年 12 月 19 日

Thrown out of the house into the backyard, the three kittens are sheltered by a giant Saint Bernard and are tormented by a turtle and a bluebird.

其深陷的面容、著魔卻又脆弱的眼神,營造無可取代的獨特風格,黑暗音樂界大使、冷酷哥德教主、入籍「澳洲音樂協會名人堂」的Nick Cave,緊附Punk Rock、Gothic Rock、No Wave及Blues的曲風,在猶如吞吐字句呢喃著故事的演繹,探索各種情感的多變,舉凡瘋狂憤怒、晦暗頹靡、美麗虛無或是病態扭曲,無一不包。自1983年帶領Bad Seeds樂團,聯手以極為沈溺姿勢詮釋出迷人的魔鬼詩篇。Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds花費長達兩年時間錄製第16張錄音室新碟《Skeleton Tree》,如同封面的全黑呈獻,不僅是一張陰暗黑色調性的全數籠罩,更是極度悲傷的作品。空降英國亞軍、澳洲+丹麥+挪威+紐西蘭等多國冠軍,美國寫下出道以來成績最好的NO.27商業記錄。分別獲得每日電訊報、英國衛報、獨立報、NME、Q雜誌全數滿分推崇,已入籍MOJO+NME+Paste+滾石雜誌+Rough Trade+Stereogum的年度50大專輯名單之列!

2018 年 05 月 08 日

The story of the last 55 days of Aldo Moro, seen from the point of view of his students.

2023 年 09 月 15 日

25 composers, 25 filmmakers, 25 ultimate symbioses of music and cinematography that fit completely within the DNA of Film Fest Gent and the World Soundtrack Awards. For the unique 2x25 project, the festival asked 25 composers to compose a short piece of music, after which 25 filmmakers made a short film. The result: 25 exceptional films where the music inspired the form, narrative and texture.

2017 年 07 月 03 日

Gaza is a 14-year-old boy who lives on the Aegean coast of Turkey. Together with his domineering father, he helps smuggle refugees from war-torn countries to Europe, giving them temporary lodgings and scant food until they attempt the crossing. Gaza dreams of escaping this life, but can't help being drawn into a dark world of immorality, exploitation and human suffering. Can you avoid becoming a monster when you've been raised by one? Onur Saylak's debut feature, adapted from the award-winning novel of the same title by Hakan Günday, one of the first novels to document the refugee crisis in Europe, "More" is the gripping story of a boy that gets to grow up in a world where there's no room for innocence.

  耀眼的自然风光,奥斯卡奖提名导演:马库斯 依穆胡夫足迹踏遍全球,途径加利福尼亚州,瑞士,中国和澳大利亚,探寻濒临灭绝的蜜蜂种族。这是一次比以往任何有关蜜蜂主题的电影都更雄心勃勃的电影。


  瑞士电影导演Markus Imhoof的纪实影片《比蜂蜜更多》(More Than Honey)用大量的实际素材探讨了蜜蜂死亡的原因。《比蜂蜜更多》(More Than Honey)于2012年8月11日在洛迦诺电影节首映影片之所以震撼,还因为它采用的原始素材有105小时之长! 此外,有些蜜蜂的镜头还是由迷你蜜蜂摄影器拍摄的。

2024 年 03 月 23 日

Ramy Youssef returns to HBO with his second comedy special filmed in front of a live audience at White Eagle Hall in Jersey City, New Jersey on February 2 and 3.

2003 年 10 月 10 日

Elling has lived with his mother all his life. Mom is the practical one, while Elling ponders the more theoretical aspects of life. He spends his time in their apartment reading books and looking at the neighbours through the living room window. Elling doesn't seem to need to be around others like most people. That's why Elling is less than enthusiastic when his mother suddenly decides to take her son on a beach vacation to Spain. Reluctantly, Elling agrees. After all, a lady at her age needs a good man by her side. But what Elling refuses to realize is that Mom is not only old, but also sick. Very sick. On her last vacation she tries to get Elling to see that life is bigger than their living room.

2019 年 09 月 14 日

Waking up alone, cold, and scared, the Lost searches for hope in salvation.






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