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1997 年 03 月 30 日

Good Guys, Bad Guys was an Australian crime TV series that screened on the Nine Network between 1997 and 1998, with a telemovie and twenty-six episodes produced. A comedy/drama set in Melbourne.

The program was written for, and starred, Marcus Graham as Elvis Maginnis. A disgraced former cop, tainted by his criminal family and framed for corruption, Elvis owns "K for Kleen" drycleaning, managed by the eminently more sensible Stella Kinsella and sweetheart Reuben Zeus who has Tourette syndrome.

Elvis's attempts at a straight life are constantly compromised by the demands of his eccentric family, while Stella's attempts at making "K-for-Kleen" turn a profit are frustrated by Elvis's penchant for damsels in distress and a hard-luck story. He may not have a white stallion, but Elvis has a beautiful Charger.

The program was filmed in Melbourne, predominantly around the inner-city "bohemian" suburbs of St. Kilda, Fitzroy and Carlton. The film style incorporated local colour - Melbourne trams, landmarks like Smith Street's Cobra cane furniture shop, and the Builder's Arms Hotel as Elvis's local - and a soundtrack of the then-latest Australian music, matched to the action. The Good Guys, Bad Guys soundtrack CD features Regurgitator, The Fauves, Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds, The Whitlams, The Avalanches, Spiderbait, The Cruel Sea and The Mavis's among others.

2017 年 02 月 22 日

Leonardo Cagliostro, a policeman, dies and decides to stay on Earth in order to find out more about the circumstances of his death and to save his wife, Anna, who's in danger.

2022 年 02 月 13 日


2019 年 04 月 28 日

A heart-in-your-throat drama, Red Line begins with the mistaken shooting of a black doctor at the hands of a white cop and unfolds from the perspective of each of the families connected to the tragedy. It's a then-and-now meets us-and-them tale about the often-personal politics of crime.

2015 年 02 月 16 日

This is one of the five brothers, not like in the slightest way to another.

1950 年 10 月 05 日

You Bet Your Life is an American quiz show that aired on both radio and television. The original and best-known version was hosted by Groucho Marx of the Marx Brothers, with announcer and assistant George Fenneman. The show debuted on ABC Radio in October 1947, then moved to CBS Radio in September 1949 before making the transition to NBC-TV in October 1950. Because of its simple format, it was possible to broadcast the show simultaneously on the radio and on television. In 1960, the show was renamed The Groucho Show and ran a further year. Most episodes are in the public domain.

The play of the game, however, was secondary to the interplay between Groucho, the contestants, and occasionally Fenneman. The program was rerun into the 1970s, and later in syndication as The Best of Groucho. As such, it was the first game show to have its reruns syndicated.

2021 年 10 月 03 日

Danish secret service agent Katrine Poulson and British spy Beatrice Ogilvy are thrown together in a race against time. As a terrorist plot against the British PM unfolds, Poulson and Ogilvy are tangled up in a web of lies, murder and power struggles; they can't trust anyone, and they soon realise the deadly conspiracy could be part of a far-reaching geopolitical masterplan.

2002 年 09 月 24 日

Presidio Med is an American medical drama that aired on CBS from September 2002, to January 2003. The series centers on a San Francisco hospital. It was created by John Wells and Lydia Woodward, who also created ER.

2022 年 01 月 09 日


1975 年 12 月 23 日

Classic BBC children's animated television series about the adventures of a little boy who lives in a town with his friends Aunt Flo, P.C. Copper, Frank the Postman and Farmer Barleymow, also featuring Alberto Frog and his Amazing Animal Band.

2023 年 02 月 16 日

Red Iron Road is an animated horror anthology series, based on the works of famous European authors. Each of the episodes are between 10-20 minutes, produced with different creative partners in unique visual styles to suit each story.

1990 年 10 月 29 日

Meu Bem, Meu Mal is a Brazilian telenovela produced and displayed at the time of 18 hours by Rede Globo, October 29, 1990 to May 18, 1991, in 173 chapters.

2024 年 03 月 03 日

From The Zeus Network and Executive Producer Nick Cannon, comes an outrageous mostly female series full of challenges, competitions and showdowns to settle pre-existing beefs. All filmed in Las Vegas and capped off with performances by some of today’s hottest musical acts.

1979 年 10 月 01 日


1996 年 09 月 07 日

When three kids explore Charterville's haunted Hillhurst Mansion on a dare, they discover a lot more than they bargain for! The trio find a wild and wacky phasm named Flabber, who changes their lives forever when he grants their wish to become the superheroes they've read about in BeetleBorgs comics. However, not only does Flabber grant the kids' wish, but he also accidentally facilitates the escape of supervillains from the comic books as well! Now it's up to these three newly tapped superheroes - aided by a friendly neighborhood phasm and armed with fantastic powers and awesome vehicles - to save the world from the forces of darkness that threaten the peace and harmony of all mankind.

2001 年 01 月 10 日
1983 年 03 月 10 日
2000 年 09 月 13 日
2004 年 10 月 05 日

BET Style is an entertainment show, much like syndicated Entertainment Tonight, that focuses on African Americans in the entertainment industry. It aired from 2004 to 2006 on Black Entertainment Television at 7:30e-p/6:30c on Thursdays. Its hosts were usually Big Tigger and Melyssa Ford. Its last episode was on July 6, 2006. It was replaced by The Black Carpet, a show covering similar material in a new style.

2004 年 06 月 25 日



The story of a loving man and father who falls under the influence of an extremely orthodox Protestant sect. He sacrifices everything and everyone to this faith, including his business and the respect of his younger son. However, he never loses the love of his wife.

2020 年 04 月 25 日

  贪得无厌 才能学无止境!在教育界享负盛名的法兰克塔松(休杰克曼饰)是个对教育充满热忱、魅力十足的学区负责人,在他和同事潘葛拉肯(艾莉森珍妮饰)的带领之下,纽约罗斯林学区升学率在全美排名第四,他们的目标是成为全美第一的顶尖学区。飙升的大学录取率带动了房价与社区发展,法兰克的贡献也声名远播。直到某天,罗斯林高中的学生瑞秋(洁芮汀薇思瓦纳森饰)在撰写学校建案的校刊报导时,无意间发现了校内帐目出现各种错误,在她的调查下慢慢揭开了法兰克「为人师婊」的真面目,也让长达逾十年、攸关数百万美元的美国史上最大校园弊案浮上台面…

2018 年 10 月 20 日

New to town, a bullied teenager discovers a doll, riddled with pins, in her backyard shed. She soon comes to believe that the doll holds supernatural powers.

2008 年 04 月 04 日

在生物过剩的驱使下,一个年轻的男人和女人寻求性的满足,不知道彼此的存在。 不幸的是,他们最终相遇,这两个非常不寻常的人类的结合以一种爆炸性的,最终过度的性体验结束,导致了一个真正神奇的爱情故事....由Gabe Bartalos的奇异特效, 嘻哈......

1998 年 11 月 25 日

凯尔(乔恩·费儒 Jon Favreau 饰)和劳拉(卡梅隆·迪亚茨 Cameron Diaz 饰)即将步入婚姻的殿堂,在结婚之前,凯尔决定同罗伯特(克里斯汀·史莱特 Christian Slater 饰)、查尔斯(勒兰德·奥瑟 Leland Orser 饰)、麦克(杰里米·皮文 Jeremy Piven 饰)和亚当(丹尼尔·斯特恩 Daniel Stern 饰)四位好友一起到拉斯维加斯进行婚前最后的狂欢。

为了替狂欢助兴,罗伯特请来了一位名叫蒂娜(Kobé Tai 饰)的脱衣舞娘,蒂娜的出现果然点燃了夜晚的激情,没想到却也成为了一干麻烦的导火索。一场意外中,蒂娜死在了客房的浴室里,面对这一屋子的毒品,惊慌失措的伙伴们决定“私了”此事,不幸的是,逐渐脱离了五人掌控的现实将他们一次又一次的抛入了疯狂之中。

2021 年 04 月 11 日

After the Tennysons are attacked by a villainous, dimension-hopping Omni-alien known only as Alien X, they meet a parallel universe version of Max, who opens the door to hosting multiple Bens and Gwens, forming an army to combat this threat. Based on the 2016 reboot.

2012 年 06 月 08 日

改编自莫泊桑同名小说,老兵乔治·杜瓦洛(“万人迷”罗伯特·帕丁森饰演)退伍后从非洲只身来到巴黎,在铁道局打杂过着清苦交加的日子。偶然机会碰到昔日战友,在其帮助下进入《法兰西生活报》担任编辑一职,苦心钻营成为“瓦尔特帮”的重要写手,参与倒戈阴谋。凭借一张漂亮的外表和一些取悦女人的伎俩辗转于贵妇人之间,克罗蒂尔德(克里斯蒂娜·里奇 Christina Ricci 饰),玛德莱纳(乌玛·瑟曼 Uma Thurman 饰),瓦尔特夫人(克里斯汀·斯科特·托马斯 Kristin Scott Thomas 饰)都成为他平步青云的牺牲品,他无耻的利用女人来发迹,大搞投机冒险,步步为营跻身上流社会……

2005 年 04 月 26 日


2019 年 02 月 08 日

Lena and her daughter move to a new town where she meets Michael, the man of her dreams. Little does she know he's hiding some very dark secrets. And after her new friends disappear one by one, Lena must unravel the mystery of her missing friends before it's too late.

1976 年 04 月 06 日

主人公沃尔特·迈萨(Walter Matthau)是个中年失意的小棒球队教练。更倒霉的是,他的小队员们个个“与众不同”:要么是身形超重的小胖孩,要么是受人歧视的外籍人,或者是几乎没有什么运动天分的笨家伙。很显然,这样的一支队伍难免要屡战屡败,遭人耻笑。但在大家的努力下,奇迹还是发生了。球队的技术日渐提高,而教练和队员们的感情也逐渐加深。令人惊喜的是,沃尔特的女儿(塔图姆·奥尼尔Tatum O' Neal饰)竟然是个棒球天才。最终,梦之队要和实力强劲的扬基队争夺总冠军,究竟鹿死谁手?


2023 年 07 月 01 日

Aliens attack Tom Riley.

1965 年 04 月 23 日

A young Japanese girl arriving in New York City gets mixed up with mobsters and dope dealers.

2018 年 06 月 18 日

An urban legend turns into a night to remember. Father Genova haunts the lands of Red Clay for his demon master. A group of friends and family make a trip to Red Clay to party in the lands, and knowing of the urban legend, wanting to see its truth.

2005 年 09 月 03 日

  在天才哥哥艾伦(麦克思·明格拉 Max Minghella 饰)的阴影下,艾吉拉(弗劳拉·克罗斯 Flora Cross 饰)觉得自己简直没有一点长处,父亲索尔(理查·基尔 Richard Gere 饰)和母亲米利亚姆(朱丽叶·比诺什 Juliette Binoche 饰)显然更喜欢的是聪明伶俐的艾伦,而在他们之间,亦有着根深蒂固无法解决的问题。


2024 年 03 月 08 日

This short, started early on into sobriety, finished about nine months in, is a collage of diaries and notes, collected from within addiction and into recovery.

  乔什(凯文·席格斯 Kevin Zegers 饰)的母亲杰基(Chilton Crane 饰)同男友帕特里克(戴尔·米德基夫 Dale Midkiff 饰)即将携手步入婚礼的殿堂,就在两人浓情蜜意之时,一向乖巧安静的黄金猎犬巴迪脱了线,将整个婚礼搅得乱七八糟。在一番手忙脚乱之后,惊魂已定的众人才发现,原来眼前的黄金猎犬并非巴迪,而是和巴迪有着极为相似样貌的另一只猎犬朱迪。巴迪和朱迪看对了眼,没过多久,朱迪生下了几只小狗崽,当了妈妈。不幸的是,邪恶而又贪婪的绑匪绑架了这群可爱无辜的小狗。与此同时,乔什所在的足球队,因为巴迪的存在而被裁判取消了参赛资格,大赛在即,球队该如何度过这场危机呢? ©豆瓣

2022 年 10 月 27 日

Tom Riley and Jackson Scott are faced with a sudden Zombie Apocalypse and must figure out how to save the world.

CineTel Films获得了重制《我唾弃你的坟墓》的权利,该电影在2010年万圣节前夕在全球上映。 新人莎拉·巴特勒(Sarah Butler)饰演詹妮弗(Jennifer)。

The adventures of Sharkboy, Lavagirl and many other superheroes.

A group of people fights for their survival against a family of hideously deformed inbred cannibals who plan to ruthlessly butcher them all.

A series of films which revolve around an eccentric group of competitors in wild and illegal road races.


《伸冤人》系列「英语:The Equalizer,香港译《叛諜裁判》,台湾译《私刑教育》」是由Columbia Pictures出品的美国惊悚动作片,由Antoine Fuqua执导,编剧李察·威克根据1980年代由愛德華·伍德沃德主演的原題同名电视剧《都市奇俠》改编而成,但主要劇情則多為電影原創。丹泽尔·华盛顿在影片中扮演一名中央情報局(英语:Central Intelligence Agency,CIA)前探員,在妻子死前答应她退隐江湖。但最终在正义感以及责任心的的驱使下,让他不得不重拾勇气和武器对抗黑暗的势力。电影的开始引用了马克·吐温的一句经典名言:「在你的生命中有两个最重要的日子,就是你出生的那一天和你找到你为何存活的那一天」。

A collection of shorts starring Baby Groot, everyone’s favorite little tree, and several new and unusual characters.



A series of post-apocalyptic films starring Will Smith as scientist Robert Neville.

A comedy film series about mild-mannered Brad Whitaker who struggles to be a good stepfather to his children, when their biological father Dusty Mayron returns.


A supernatural horror film series that centers around a porcelain doll and Brahms Heelshire.

Weekend at Bernie's is a 1989 American black comedy film written by Robert Klane and directed by Ted Kotcheff. The film stars Andrew McCarthy and Jonathan Silverman as young insurance corporation employees who discover their boss, Bernie, dead. Discovering Bernie has ordered their deaths to cover up his embezzlement, with orders to refrain from killing them if he is around, they attempt to convince people that Bernie is still alive. The film's commercial success spawned a 1993 sequel, Weekend at Bernie's II.

A horror film series franchise featuring Chucky, a killer Good Guys doll with the soul of a notorious serial killer.

速度与激情系列(英语:The Fast and the Furious)是一系列的美国动作片,主要以街头赛车和家人朋友之间的羁绊为主题,由罗伯·科恩等执导,范·迪塞尔、保罗·沃克(已故)、乔丹娜·布鲁斯特、米歇尔·罗德里格兹等主演的赛车题材的动作犯罪类电影。影片节奏紧凑、场面宏大,再加之令人眼花缭乱的飙车镜头,绝对是一场值得享受的视觉盛宴!

Naked Gun Collection is a series of hilarious, slapstick comedy films centered around the bumbling police detective, Frank Drebin, played by the iconic Leslie Nielsen. Filled with puns, visual gags, and absurd situations, these films poke fun at the conventions of the crime and detective genre, providing endless laughs and entertainment.




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