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14. новембар 2021.

Los Angeles 2032. A young woman wakes up with no memories, and possessing deadly skills. The only clues to her mystery are a locked data device and a tattoo of a black lotus. Putting together the pieces, she must hunt down the people responsible for her brutal and bloody past to find the truth of her lost identity.

01. децембар 1996.

A recently widowed mother loses her children to a cold mother-in-law in Ontario during the Great Depression of the 1930s. 

Based loosely on the books "Never Sleep Three in a Bed" and "The Night We Stole the Mounties’ Car" by Max Braithwaite

Ћелије на послу! Црни код има другачији приступ тематици показујући грубљу страну посла које наше ћелије обављају.

Алкохол, пушење и стрес узрокују много болести. Наше ћелије воде рат који се никада не завршава.

14. октобар 2016.

Delve into the oddball family life of Miranda Sings, an incredibly confident, totally untalented star on the rise, who continues to fail upward by the power of her belief that she was born famous, it's just no one knows it yet.

21. октобар 2020.

Qiao Nuo, a fresh graduate, comes across an unexpected opportunity to become an intern for the city court. Because of her lack of knowledge for what the work entails, her abilities are questioned by the judge. Qiao Nuo witnesses the intense confrontations between prosecutors and defense lawyers with her own eyes and starts to develop an appreciation for her profession. She becomes determined to become a good judge. Under the guidance of the chief judge, Zuo Dong Hai, she is unafraid to put in the hard work to search for useful clues to help a trial case, to accumulate experiences, to meet friends and to find love.

11. април 2019.

In the dark, early days of a zombie apocalypse, complete strangers band together to find the strength they need to survive and get back to loved ones.

14. август 1973.

Black and Blue was a BBC TV comedy-drama series, first broadcast in 1973. It was so named because of the black and blue humour.

The show consisted of 6 episodes of 50–60 minutes duration, each episode was a separate self-contained playlet. The only connection between them was the Black and Blue humour theme.

The first episode was broadcast on 14 August 1973, with the last episode airing on 18 September 1973. The play Secrets was wiped, only surviving thanks to a domestic videotape copy made from the mastertape by its producer, Mark Shivas.

16. март 2018.

A coming of age comedy following a diverse group of teenage friends as they confront the challenges of growing up in gritty inner-city Los Angeles.

02. октобар 2008.

In Victorian London, 12-year-old business magnate Ciel Phantomhive thwarts dangers to the queen as he's watched over by his demon butler, Sebastian.

30. јануар 2018.

A group of 3 yakuza failed their boss for the last time. After messing up an important job, the boss gave them 2 choices: honorably commit suicide, or go to Thailand to get a sex reassignment surgery in order to become "female" idols. After a gruesome year training to become idols, they successfully debut, with overwhelming popularity, much to their dismay. This is where their tragedy truly begins.

15. јул 2012.

Black Dynamite is an American animated television series based on the 2009 film of the same name, although the series follows a separate continuity, with some back-references to the film. The series was announced shortly after the release of the film, the 10-minute pilot episode was released on Adult Swim Video on August 8, 2011, and the full series premiered on Cartoon Network's late night programming block, Adult Swim, on July 15, 2012. Michael Jai White, Byron Minns, Tommy Davidson and Kym Whitley reprise their film roles as Black Dynamite, Bullhorn, Cream Corn and Honeybee, respectively.

La Viuda Negra is a 2014 Spanish-language telenovela produced by RTI Producciones and Televisa for United States-based television network Univisión and for Colombia-based television network Caracol Television. It is an adaptation of the book La patrona de Pablo Escobar de José Guarnizo based on history from Griselda Blanco.

07. октобар 1953.

Colonel Humphrey Flack is an American sitcom which ran Wednesdays at 9pm ET from October 7, 1953 to July 2, 1954 on the DuMont Television Network, then revived from 1958 to 1959 for first-run syndication.

The series also aired under the titles The Fabulous Fraud, The Adventures of Colonel Flack, and The Imposter.

01. јануар 2023.

In 1995, seventeen-year-old Isabel Baker was murdered. The crime shocked the small town of Ashford and devastated Isabel's Australian South Sea Islander community. The case was never solved, the killer never found. In 2020, the opening of a time capsule unearths a secret that puts cold-case detective James Cormack on the trail of the killer.

24. април 2014.

Catherine Black is a world-famous neurologist at the state-of-the-art medical institution known as "The Cube". Catherine is brilliant, beautiful, and at the top of her game, though she's hiding a secret of her own: she's bipolar. Each week, the doctors on staff attempt to unravel the mysteries of the brain and are constantly challenged by cases never-before-seen on television. The medical stories are moving, bizarre and a visual feast. The personal stories are riveting. The patients have rare, highly visual, often hallucinogenic and startling conditions, which we’ll see through their eyes as Catherine diagnoses and treats them.

04. јун 2004.

Black Tie Nights was a softcore drama anthology series which aired on Cinemax in the United States from 2004 to 2005.

This anthology show revolved around the adventures of Olivia Hartley and Cooper Snow who ran Black Tie dating service. They were assisted by their geeky sidekick, Ryan Lundy. In the second season, the show was retooled. The anthology series was renamed Hollywood Sexcapades and the characters of Olivia and Cooper were said to be out of the country opening a new branch. Candi Hicks, a recurring customer in the first season, became the new employee of Black Tie dating service. She and Ryan partnered to run the company.

16. јун 2024.

Sydney, 1961. The women who work in Goodes ladieswear face tumultuous lives navigating societal shifts and personal challenges amidst the fashion transformation of the sixties.

06. април 2018.

With a little help from his brother and accomplice, Tim, Boss Baby tries to balance family life with his job at Baby Corp headquarters.

23. јун 2024.

In the near future, a group of women weave their way into each other's lives and embark on a thrilling journey, unravelling the mystery of their identity and uncovering a wrenching story of love and betrayal.

22. јун 2007.

A genetic engineering experiment gone horribly awry turns a large flock of docile sheep into unrelenting killing machines.

Пар заљубљеника у авантуре убеђује своје пријатеље да истраже удаљени, неоткривени систем пећина у шумама северне Аустралије. Како се ближи тропска олуја, они се спуштају у уста пећине, али када пећине почну да поплављају, тензије расту како ниво кисеоника опада и пријатељи се нађу у клопци. Њима непозната олуја донела је и чопор опасних и гладних крокодила.

10. фебруар 1984.

Townspeople of a small English village begin to die in a series of horrible accidents, and a Scotland Yard inspector arrives to investigate a mysterious local medium who records conversations with the dead.

14. мај 2021.

Ram Goldstein and three of the world's top geniuses are commissioned to compete against other elite scientists in a race to create the first matter transfer machine. Ahmed Amir is financing the program at his technology institute. While engineering the project, Ram discovers time travel. However, he also uncovers that the institute is a shield for an extreme terrorist group with the intentions of using the technology as a weapon. Ram's friends are held hostage and he is forced to complete the machine. Meanwhile, Ahmed makes plans to travel back in time to kill Jesus and prevent the resurrection. Before Ram can escape, Ahmed hijacks the machine and sends a military team, led by Brandt, to kill Jesus. Their interference causes all hell breaks loose and mankind is thrown into an apocalypse. With no time to spare, only a genius with no faith and a man who lost his hold the fate of the world in their hands.

11. март 2023.

Discover the untold story of the first Black Barbie and the pivotal role three trailblazing women at Mattel had in creating a doll who looked like them.

18. септембар 2015.

The true story of Whitey Bulger, the brother of a state senator and the most infamous violent criminal in the history of South Boston, who became an FBI informant to take down a Mafia family invading his turf.

20. децембар 1974.

As the residents of sorority house Pi Kappa Sigma prepare for the festive season, a stranger begins a series of obscene phone calls with dubious intentions...

Људи у црном су увек штитили земљу од свемирских непријатеља. У најновијој авантури непријатељ се налази сакривен међу њима самима.

12. март 2016.

Mavela, 15 years old, is a Black Bronx. She falls madly in love with Marwan, an extremely charismatic member of a rival gang, the 1080s. The young couple is forced to make a brutal choice between gang loyalty and the love they have for one another. An impossible dilemma.

Симпатични седамнаестогодишњак, Марти Макфлај, са мајком и браћом живи у малом Хил Велију. Једне вечери упознаје инспиративног научника, доктора Брауна. Браун је од либијских терориста украо плутонијум и, уз помоћ њега, од старог аутомобила направио времеплов којим може отпутовати у будућност или у прошлост. Покрадени терористи га прогањају и он заједно са Мартијем бежи у прошлост – у њихов градић пре 30 година. Марти у прошлости упознаје своје родитеље које мора да споји како би он дошао на свет.

03. фебруар 2021.

Carlos, a ruthless Spanish negotiation expert working in Brussels, is tasked with handling the kidnapping of a senior oil company executive in a troubled West African country —with which he has old and deep ties—, torn by ethnic tensions and government abuses.

22. септембар 2023.

After his son is wrongly accused of kidnapping, a deacon who has just lost his wife takes matters into his own hands and fights a crooked police gang to clear him.

05. мај 2022.

A group of officers based in a labyrinthine top-secret prison must fight for their lives against Hatchet, a brilliant and infamous high-value detainee. When he escapes, his mysterious and deadly agenda has far reaching and dire consequences.

18. мај 2018.

A deep cover operative awakens to find himself imprisoned on a submarine. With the help of a fellow prisoner and an amateur agent, he must race against the clock to escape the vessel and expose who set him up.

25. децембар 2006.

As the residents of sorority house Pi Kappa Sigma prepare for the festive season, a stranger begins a series of obscene phone calls with dubious intentions...

Мистериозно биће изазива огромну експлозију у краљевству душа и доноси потпуно разарање. У исто време Рукија је нападнута и сво сећање на њу је потпуно уклоњено из времена и простора. Не само да је сећање на Рукију нестало већ и све везано за њу, једини који није захваћен овом појавом је Ићиго Куросаки. Сад он креће у краљевство душа да би сазнао шта се десило са Рукијом и зашто су све везе одједном прекинуте, али изгледа да Рукија није једина која је избрисана из свачијег памћења...

18. фебруар 2000.

Комерцијални свемирски теретњак и његова посада насукали су се на планету пуну крвожедних створења која излазе само ноћу. Али ускоро схватају да ће се ускоро десити помрачење које ће трајати месец дана.

21. новембар 2001.

Martin Lawrence plays Jamal, an employee in Medieval World amusement park. After nearly drowning in the moat, he awakens to find himself in 14th century England.

20. децембар 2007.

Based on true events, Grace, her boyfriend Adam, and her younger sister, Lee, are on holiday in Northern Australia when they decide to take a tour down a river. As they drift into a swamp, their boat suddenly capsizes. Stranded in the flooded swamp, the three tourists must figure out what to do to survive as they realize they are being watched through the black water.

27. новембар 2020.

Born free in the American West, Black Beauty is a horse rounded up and brought to Birtwick Stables, where she meets spirited teenager Jo Green. The two forge a bond that carries Beauty through the different chapters, challenges and adventures.

Men Suddenly in Black

The Woman in Black is a 2012 British horror film directed by James Watkins and written by Jane Goldman, based on Susan Hill's novel of the same name. This is the second film version of the novel. The film stars Daniel Radcliffe, Ciarán Hinds, Janet McTeer, Sophie Stuckey and Liz White. A sequel titled, The Woman in Black: Angel of Death was released on 2 January 2015, without the involvement of Radcliffe.

A babysitter rebels against the awful kids she is overseeing.

A series of comedy-horror spoofs starring Mike Epps.

A collection of documentaries about the lack of black British swimmers.

05. јануар 2006.

Helga Joner's daughter Ida leaves home bound for the local shop riding a yellow bicycle and wearing a red cycle helmet. Helga is shown to be an over-anxious mother who worries excessively about her daughter. She even resorts to calculating the approximate time Ida will take to reach the shop. As night starts to fall, and Ida doesn't return, Helga becomes worried about her daughter, going so far as to phone the shop to see if Ida is there, but she is told that Ida never arrived. Helga and her sister Ruth search for Ida but to no avail. Finally they call the police.

Consists of all 3 original Universal Creature Movies Creature from the Black Lagoon - 1954 Revenge of the Creature - 1955 The Creature Walks Among Us - 1956

The Attack the Block franchise

A series of Italian softcore sexploitation and horror films from the 70's and 80's, with most starring Laura Gemser.

Takashi Ishii's series about the assassin named the Black Angel.

Never Back Down is a 2008 action film starring Sean Faris, Amber Heard, Cam Gigandet, and Djimon Hounsou. A 2011 sequel entitled Never Back Down 2: The Beatdown was released with Evan Peters reprising his role as Max Cooperman. Directed by Michael Jai White - who makes his directorial debut and also top-bills the cast, the film stars Alex Meraz, Jillian Murray, MMA fighter Scott Epstein and Australian actor-singer Dean Geyer.

Black Cat (Chinese: 黑貓; pinyin: Hēi māo) is a 1991 Hong Kong action film directed and produced by Stephen Shin. The film stars Jade Leung as Catherine who accidentally kills a truck driver. After escaping trial, she is captured by medics who insert a "Black Cat" chip into her brain putting her under the complete control of the American CIA. The CIA makes her into a new CIA agent known as Erica. A sequel titled Black Cat 2: The Assassination of President Yeltsin was released in 1992.

After several years spent working almost exclusively in the direct-to-video world of V-cinema in Japan, Takashi Miike announced himself as a world-class filmmaking talent with this trio of thematically-connected, character-centric crime stories about violence, the underworld of Japanese society, families both real and surrogate, and the possibly hopeless task of finding one's place in the world. His first films made specifically for theatrical release, and his first for a major studio, the Black Society Trilogy was the beginning of Miike's mature career as a filmmaker and they remain among the prolific director's finest works.

Shaw Brothers horror movie duology

Fight Back to School Collection

Sometimes They Come Back is a 1991 American made-for-television horror film based on the 1974 short story of the same name by Stephen King. The film tells the tale of a man and his family that return to his home town, but is then harassed by teenagers that died when he was a kid. The film was followed by two straight-to-video sequels: Sometimes They Come Back... Again (1996) and Sometimes They Come Back... for More (1998).

Wanted for killing his boss, Manuel flees with his wife Rosa to the sertão, the barren landscape of Northern Brazil. Thrust into a primordial violent region, Manuel and Rosa come under the influence and control of a series of frightening figures.

A collection of seasonal comedies around a family named Christmas.

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