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10. Oktober 2014

Der 19-jährige Andrew Neiman ist ein begnadeter Schlagzeuger. In einer der renommiertesten Musikschulen des Landes wird er vom Dirigenten Terence Fletcher unter die Fittiche genommen. Der bekannte Bandleader fördert den jungen Drummer, aber er fordert ihn noch mehr: Mit rabiaten Unterrichtsmethoden, die immer mehr zu Gewaltexzessen ausarten, will er Andrew zu Höchstleistungen treiben und führt ihn an seine physischen und emotionalen Grenzen. Der Nachwuchsmusiker stellt sich der Tortur, denn es ist sein sehnlichster Wunsch, einer der größten Schlagzeuger der Welt zu werden. Während sein besorgter Vater Jim immer mehr an den Methoden und den Absichten des Lehrers zweifelt, hält Andrew hartnäckig durch. Doch wieviel mehr kann der Teenager noch ertragen?

18. Januar 2013

A ferocious, bullying music teacher teaches a dedicated student.

24. Dezember 1948

An artist follows a woman from California to New York, where he boxes for her mobster husband.

1. Januar 1997

During the years preceeding his death, Sonbert channeled his energy into making Whiplash. His vision and motor skills impaired, he gave his companion, Ascension Serrano, detailed instructions about the assembly of specific shots and the music to be used as a counterpoint to the images. Before his death in 1995, he asked filmmaker Jeff Scher (a former student of Sonbert's at Bard) to complete the film. --Jon Gartenberg

Part 1 of 3 of a long-form interview with Mikey Whiplash.

20. September 2008

A man wakes up in a crashed car. He has lost his memory and the woman behind the wheel is dead. In the hospital fragments of his memory come back to him in sharp disturbing flashes. He discovers he was involved in some dirty scheme and is not as innocent as he hoped to be.

Tom's wife tells him that he needs to get more sleep or he's going to start seeing things that aren't there. After working the night shift Tom leaves for a camping trip. Tom probably should have listened to his wife.

Recorded on 12-31-87 at Detroit's Cobo Hall, the original Motor City Madman gives a kick-out-all-the-stops show for New Year's Eve. Songs include: "That's the Story of Love," "Free for All," "Cat Scratch Fever," "She Drives Me Crazy," and more.

The documentary on Yamazaki Hiroaki, the student died in the First Haneda Incident of 8 October 1967.

5. Juli 1974

The Empress Dowager flees when the allied forces descend upon the capital. During an attack by bandits, her jewels are lost in the mountains. Ten years later, a local villager finds the treasure. When news of the found jewels spreads, a group of bandits descends upon the town hoping to find the treasure, but first they’ll have to deal with the villager’s daughter, Tigress (Pei-Pei Cheng), who is quite dangerous due to her amazing fighting skills.

26. Oktober 1980

Renowned photographer, Larus, returns to Iceland to attend the funeral of his mother. With him is his wife Rose, twenty years his junior. With his homecoming, Larus begins to reminisce on his childhood, and becomes distant from his wife. Soon she begins to realize that not everything is as it should be.

Der geistig behinderte Teenager Dennis lebt bei seinem Bruder John und dessen Lebensgefährtin. Als Dennis eines Tages in einen alten Spiegel blickt, befiehlt ihm sein Spiegelbild diejenigen zu ermorden, die er am meisten liebt. Widerwillig gibt der verstörte Junge der grausigen Forderung seines Abbildes nach.

1. Januar 1961

Charlie is a dope smuggler who lives on his own private desert island and rules over the natives with an iron fist. When the native stooges get out of line, Charlie literally cracks the whip on his insubordinate subordinates. When a sexpot named Glory comes to the island, he holds her prisoner and makes her go-go dance for him.

18. Februar 1961

Whiplash is a British/Australian television series made by the Seven Network and ATV and ITC Entertainment. Filmed in 1959-60, the series was first broadcast in September 1960 in the United Kingdom followed by Australia in February 1961 and had opening titles featuring the Australian locale and terrain and a dozen wild kangaroos as a Cobb & Co stage passed pulled by a team of five horses driven by Cobb himself.

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