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1980 年 07 月 18 日

El Muertes and El Jato travel to Morocco to get some chocolate but run into trouble when they are assaulted by locals. Magda, El Jato's girlfriend, waits for them in Algeciras where they decide to steal a car to get back.

2005 年 11 月 25 日


2001 年 09 月 07 日

Chocolate is a 2001 Tamil film directed by A. Venkatesh featuring Prashanth and Jaya Re in the lead roles. Livingston, Suhasini, Mumtaj and Nagendra Prasad play supporting roles, while the film's score and soundtrack are composed by Deva.

1996 年 11 月 04 日

Fred the orbiting Russian monkey had tricked Worm into believing the Moon is made of chocolate. When Worm travels to the Moon and finds out it is made of dirt, he vows vengeance on Fred and zooms back to Earth to find him. But Fred has an even-bigger lie to tell Worm.

2016 年 10 月 07 日

Cop Rana embarks on a wild chase after con man Raju steals a diamond ring given to Rana by his nagging girlfriend and hides it in a box of chocolate flavored condoms.

Plot Unavailable.

2021 年 01 月 14 日

17-year-old Jordan has grown up his whole life without a father, his only releases being music and football. When his elusive uncle Diego comes to visit for the first time in years, Jordan finally has a male role model to look to. As he slowly realises that Uncle Diego goes against everything Jordan’s mother stands for, he is confronted with the biggest question in his life – what does it mean to truly be a man?

2015 年 08 月 12 日

3 nobodies try to become 3 somebodies by robbing a liquor store.

话说在一个离我们不太远又不太近的城市里,有一座很大很大的巧克力工厂,据说这是世界上最大的巧克力工厂,它的拥有者名叫威利·旺卡先生。虽然每天有很多辆货车把成箱成箱的巧克力从工厂里面运到各地,但是这么多年来,城里人谁都没见过工厂里的工人——到底是什么人在生产这些好吃的巧克力呢?工厂里面究竟藏着什么样的设备呢?……旺卡先生的巧克力工厂成了这个城市最大的迷。  查理·巴克特住在这个城市里面,是个再普通不过的小男孩,唯一让他有那么点儿不普通的就是——他的家很穷,穷得买不起巧克力。只有在过生日的日子里,查理才能得到一块作为生日礼物的巧克力,那是多么难得的奢侈品啊!  突然有那么一天,威利·旺卡先生在城里发出广告:他将邀请5位小客人参观他的工厂,而邀请函金券就藏在刚出厂的巧克力里面——只要能吃出金券就可以参观巧克力工厂!于是,一时间全城的孩子们以及一些孩子的家长们都疯狂地扑向巧克力,一块接一块地吃着巧克力,希望能得到金券。当然,此时谁都不知道,旺卡先生的邀请计划其实是在为巧克力工厂寻找合适的继承人。  尽管查理买不起巧克力,但他依然得到了一张金券(至于他是如何得到的,恕不透露。自己看电影去!),而另外4张金券的持有者分别是:贪婪、肥胖、见到巧克力不要命的男孩奥古斯塔斯;傲慢、骄横、占有欲往超强的女孩威路卡;刻薄、自私、嗜食口香糖并且爱捉弄人的小姑娘维奥莱特;以及冷酷、残暴、痴迷电子游戏和电视的男孩迈克。在旺卡先生的带领下,这5位孩子参观了奇妙无比、充满魔幻色彩的巧克力工厂,终于知道了这个工厂的巧克力是怎么制作出来的。那么谁能成为最后的继承者呢?

  著名糖果商威利·旺克(吉恩·怀尔德 Gene Wilder 饰)公布了一条让世界震惊的喜讯,他将挑选五名幸运儿参观自己的糖果厂,其中一人将成为终身享用“旺克巧克力”特权的人。出身贫寒的小男孩查理·毕奇(彼得·奥斯图姆 Peter Ostrum 饰)幸运的成为了第五位人选。从小吃不到糖果的查理欣喜若狂,满怀期待的他带上了自己的爷爷乔(杰克·艾伯森 Jack Albertson 饰),开始了这段甜蜜的神奇之旅。而一位邪恶的陌生人正在蛊惑孩子们,谁能为他偷来糖果,就会让谁富有起来。旺克带领孩子们畅游着神奇的糖果厂,然而面对糖果的诱惑,其他四个孩子都接二连三的不见了,最后只剩下查理和他的爷爷乔。   本片根据罗尔德·达尔的同名小说改编而成,荣获英国第四频道评选的“最优秀的家庭电影”第八名。 ©豆瓣

Retrospective documentary on the making of the cult classic "Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory."

  拉丁美洲的作品常常带着魔幻荒诞的色彩,影片故事正是发生在这里的墨西哥。艾莲娜是一个抚养三个女儿的寡妇,她的小女儿蒂娜(卢米·卡范佐斯 Lumi Cavazos饰)和青年佩德罗(马克·莱昂纳蒂 Marco Leonardi饰)相爱,但母亲却按照家族规矩,要把大女儿柔沙嫁给佩德罗,同时声明蒂娜要照顾自己直到归西。佩德罗和柔沙结婚了。婚礼上,他向蒂娜吐露爱意,让蒂娜更加心伤。她的眼泪簌簌掉下,落到正在制作的菜肴上,于是,客人们竟然尝出了苦味。从此,蒂娜把自己压抑的爱意都融合在烹饪中,一家人的情绪竟随着她的烹饪心情或情欲高涨,或压抑阴沉。当蒂娜终于等来和佩德罗相守的日子,压抑已久的感情却化成了熊熊燃烧的烈火。©豆瓣




19岁的女孩玛姬(卡林•卓尔 Karyn•Dwyer 饰)退学后来到了一家经营性方面的书的书店打工,这里聚集了好几个女同性恋者,因此玛姬经常受到那些同性恋朋友的勾引。这天,玛姬碰上了流浪歌手吉姆(克里斯听娜•考克斯 Christina•Cox 饰),吉姆虽然是个女孩,但却是个假小子,两个女孩自然而然的堕入了爱河。随后,玛姬租了一间大房子,和吉姆一起同居了。然而不久,玛姬的母亲(温迪•古逊 Wendy•Crewson 饰)和她继父离婚了,带着她的弟弟保罗前来投奔玛姬。深知母亲是个传统的女人,玛姬隐瞒了她和吉姆的关系。和家人在同一屋檐下,玛姬和吉姆的恋情究竟能否继续前行?

2015 年 05 月 22 日

Life for a struggling college student changes in an instant when he meets the owner of a male strip club who convinces him to give amateur night a whirl.

After losing her boyfriend, Moni decides to focus on her thesis, which consists on chocolate pastry-making. When she starts seeing other guys, the ghostly figure of her abusive boyfriend Javi appears, provoking funny situations since Moni is the only one who sees him.

2007 年 01 月 26 日

  故事发生在罗马尼亚,薇薇安(艾格尼丝·布鲁根 Agnes Bruckner 饰)是一个颇有姿色的女人,在她平静的生活背后,藏着一个不可告人的秘密和一段充满了鲜血和哀号的悲惨历史。艾顿(休·丹西 Hugh Dancy 饰)长久以来致力于研究“狼人”这一奇妙的种群,尽管在历史中,这一种群早已经灭绝,但艾顿相信,曾经如此庞大和繁盛的种群不可能在如此段的时间里就彻底的销声匿迹。

  根据史料,艾顿来到了一所废弃的教堂寻找狼人的踪迹,在这里,他没有找到狼人,却遇见了薇薇安。薇薇安的神秘和美丽让艾顿坠入了情网,在艾顿的火热攻势下,薇薇安心中的坚冰逐渐化解。然而,薇薇安目前所面临的状况却不容乐观,一方面,她要极力隐瞒自己的狼人身份,同时,为了延续狼族的血脉,她即将成为同类加布里埃尔(奥利维·马丁内兹 Olivier Martinez 饰)的妻子。在惴惴不安的情绪中,月圆之夜来临了。

Based on the New York Times bestselling book, Chocolate Chip Cookie Murder by Joanne Fluke, the film will take viewers on a mouthwatering mystery that centers on Hannah Swensen, shop owner of the Cookie Jar where much of the town's gossip percolates along with the strong coffee. But when a mysterious murder occurs, Hannah turns into a culinary detective and finds herself trying to solve the crime while getting caught in an unexpected romantic mystery of her own.

2003 年 09 月 08 日

Ana Francisca is a poor and ugly girl who, after being humiliated by the entire town, becomes a beautiful, stylish and rich woman who wants revenge. During this trajectory, this romantic comedy also shows the true love of Ana Francisca and Danilo that survives throughout the years, the distance and the traps of destiny. They will be part of a love triangle with Olga, a snobbish girl who is going to do anything to steal Danilo from Ana Francisca

2021 年 03 月 29 日

Cook and food writer Rachel Khoo explores the spectacular world of chocolate. She samples tantalising treats, showcases classic recipes and puts unexpected twists on her favorites.

在黑暗世界有一个传闻,“只要由巧克力医生执刀,无论任何手术都一定能成功。”要让这位神之手出马的条件是现金1亿日元、签署保密协议,还有... 巧克力。右手为义肢的神秘前医生野田哲也(坂口健太郎 饰),将与拥有开刀神技、外号“巧克力医生”的10岁天才女孩寺岛唯(白山乃爱 饰)搭档,率领最强医疗团队“巧克力公司”在各种高难度环境下秘密行医!而夺走女孩父母性命的神秘阴谋也将真相大白...

2019 年 11 月 29 日


Tita de la Garza and Pedro Muzquiz are two souls in love who cannot be together due to deep-rooted family customs, which will force Tita to navigate with magical tints and flavors between the destiny dictated by her family and the fight for her love, while we accompany her in her greatest refuge: the kitchen.

平凡的高一男生江浩一,忽然有一天被各种不认识的女生示爱,引起了不小的骚动,正在学校的众人围观准备押解江浩一问罪的时候,时间停止了,一名穿着奇装异服的少女从天而降,她自称爱神,并且为浩一解释了这一系列错乱究竟为什么…… 文化节前一天,某位少女在学校天台上许了心愿,以巧克力为祭,祈求能和心仪的男生两情相悦。女生离开后,爱神将巧克力赋予了爱情魔法。这时,江浩一为了帮女生们取寄放在天台的零食而来到天台,误把爱情巧克力取走分给女生们。在魔法的作用下,她们对江浩一产生了虚假的“爱情的记忆”。 浩一惊慌失措,追问如何解除魔法,爱神说,虚假的记忆寄托了真实的心愿,江浩一只要帮女生们达成心愿,巧克力的魔法就会解除。 于是,为了让自己的和女孩们的生活回到正轨,浩一开始为这些女生们完成各自的愿望。混乱的记忆加上被激化的爱神魔法,把江浩一带入了一段奇趣喧闹的生活。而这时,浩一还不知道,许下心愿的少女,愿望中的男孩就是他,爱神也是为他而来。

2021 年 11 月 26 日


2020 年 02 月 04 日

Each week the talented batch of bakers will face with a range of creative and exciting chocolate-based competitions that will test their sweet imaginations and put their baking skills to the test. These challenges include everything from creating an out-of-this-world chocolate creation with a galactic mirror finish and baking an over-the-top spectacle cake, to re-imagining a classic campfire treat and creating a chocolate confection with a spicy kick. Some of the bakers may melt under the pressure and only one will taste sweet victory by claiming the title of Great Chocolate Showdown champion and the $50,000 grand prize.

Trouble Chocolate is a comedy anime produced by AIC in 1999 and is licensed in the United States by Viz Media. The series features Cacao, a student at Micro-Grand Academy studying magic. One day, while his magic class teacher, Ghana, is performing a spell to summon a tree spirit, Cacao finds and eats some chocolate, which turns out to be 200 year old magical chocolate. After eating the chocolate he becomes drunk and causes a wreck. During this, he interferes with Ghana's spell, letting the spirit, Hinano, escape. She inhabits the body of a marionette, who then moves in with Cacao.

Subsequent episodes of Trouble Chocolate have little connected storyline. Rather, the show is a parody of other anime. For example, two other characters, Murakata and Deborah, are constantly shown professing their love to each other, set to absurdly explosive special effects and backdrops, as is common in many anime.

The dubbed dialogue in Trouble Chocolate often bears little or no resemblance to the original script, as opposed to the normal convention of translating the words as directly as the change in lip-sync will allow.



  汉托里(丰永利行 配音)和斯玛加(水沢史绘 配音)是感情十分要好的两名好友,两个少年极度反对巧克力禁止法这项非常反人类的法规,决心联手将其推翻。鲁依兹(高桥美佳子 配音)拥有着生产巧克力的配方,三人一拍即合,开始在地下偷偷的生产和贩卖巧克力。三人的行动很快就被政府察觉了。

2012 年 04 月 10 日

方家骅(吴建豪 饰)的父亲是华仁食品集团的总裁,从小就含着金汤匙出生的他心中一直有一个未了的愿望,那就是能够和失散多年的母亲戈嘉怡(戈伟如 饰)相认。为此,他和并不支持他的父亲产生了矛盾,并在一气之下选择了离家出走。


2007 年 03 月 05 日

Dame Chocolate is a 2007 Spanish-language telenovela, which was produced by the United States-based television network Telemundo and aired from March 5 until October 5, 2007. This limited-run serial stars Génesis Rodríguez as a sweet, simple girl who leaves rural Mexico for Miami in the US to fulfill her destiny in the chocolate business. Elements of this romantic soap opera resemble Ugly Betty, the Tammy films, The Beverly Hillbillies and No Holds Barred.

Lionsgate Home Entertainment and Xenon Pictures released a four-disc DVD set of Dame Chocolate in the US on November 27, 2007. The abridged version runs over 13 hours. It includes English subtitles and carries a TV-PG rating.

相遇,相见,相恋,相爱。同样是觉得自己不如意,同样觉得自己苦涩的两人 。 由种种因缘而走到了一起。 悠大是个对爱情不太自信的少年,他本来想买一只可爱的兔子给女朋友チヅル。但是由于宠物店店员的疏忽,竟然将一只爱捣蛋的迷你驴装进了盒子。悠大在餐厅准备把礼物送给チヅル的时候,接到了宠物店打来的电话,他这才知道礼物搞错了。但是,当他回到位置,发现迷你驴把餐厅弄得一团糟,チヅル和小驴都不见了。 这时候,チヅル正追着迷你驴,悠大寻找着她们.期间发生了很多的误会和笑料。最后,在迷你驴的引导下,两人在东京塔重新相遇了。チヅル手中的礼物几经辗转终于到了悠大手中,悠大也终于坦白了自己的心意。

Skilled pastry chefs enter the famed Hersheypark after dark and compete to create the most mind-bending chocolate showpieces in the new primetime series, Chocolate Meltdown: Hershey’s After Dark. The four-episode series, produced in partnership with Hershey’s is hosted by Sunny Anderson, who challenges the brave and talented pastry artists to create some of the most incredible chocolate creations we've ever seen!


2008 年 10 月 15 日

Chocolate News is a satirical news show hosted and head written by David Alan Grier with an emphasis on African American culture. The show aired on Wednesday nights at 10:30 PM on Comedy Central as a lead-in to their other news satire programs, The Daily Show with Jon Stewart and The Colbert Report. The show also aired in Canada on The Comedy Network. On March 10, 2009 a Comedy Central representative confirmed that Chocolate News would not be renewed for a second season.

因为15岁春天的一见钟情,小动爽太(松本润 饰)对美丽的学姐纱绘子(石原里美 饰)便展开了长达一整个高中时代的苦恋,这份不曾改变的心意终于在圣诞节前夕有了结果。不温不火地交往了几个月后,爽太被纱绘子轻易甩掉,他以为自己惨遭“劈腿”,谁料纱绘子从不曾承认二人的恋情。

为了挽回深爱的纱绘子 ,毕业于糕点学校的爽太远赴巴黎,到纱绘子最爱的巧克力作坊“幸福作坊”学习,势要成为巧克力职人。六年后爽太功成名就,带着光环回国开店,成为相当瞩目的“巧克力王子”。这一切,其实都是为了喜爱巧克力的纱绘子。终于,心中的女神纱绘子出现在爽太的店里,这一次,她会回心转意吗……

2019 年 06 月 23 日

Delves into the rich history of chocolate - revealing fascinating facts about the world's most famous confectioners, eye-opening behind-the-scenes factory tours, chocolate nostalgia and a look at new innovations.

2008 年 03 月 02 日

Willie's Wonky Chocolate Factory is a United Kingdom television documentary series broadcast on Channel 4 in March 2008. Filmed in "fly-on-the-wall" style, it shows the efforts of Willie Harcourt-Cooze to establish a brand of 100% cacao chocolate in the UK.

The series centres around "Willie" Harcourt-Cooze, assisted by his wife Tania Harcourt-Cooze née Coleridge, who aims to grow high quality cacao beans on his farm in Venezuela, and then process them in the UK into luxury chocolate products.

A follow-up series, Willie's Chocolate Revolution: Raising the Bar, aired on Channel 4 over three consecutive nights, 7–9 April 2009. This followed Willie's attempt to introduce a high-cacao chocolate bar, "Delectable", in the British market.

A collection of films about male strip dancers




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