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Roadfood: Discovering America One Dish at a Time is a new PBS TV show that aims to re-discover America’s regional culture through its iconic dishes. Our host, Misha Collins, will hit the highways and byways of America, exploring a uniquely American dish in each episode. Meeting local cooks, pit-masters, bakers, cafe owners, and proprietors of local eating establishments, Misha will explore the roots of a dish through these modern culinary folk artisans.

2002 年 09 月 09 日

Series profiling famous people in showbusiness

1984 年 06 月 15 日

Comedy series about a family and their grandmother, who lives with them - much to the annoyance of her son-in-law, Sidney.

2023 年 03 月 16 日

The social experiment, hosted by Susana Giménez, seeks to find the next "10" of comedy and crown the first winner of LOL ARGENTINA. The one who laughs loses, and the one who provokes more laughs from his rivals will be the winner.

The story of a mother's 15-year struggle to clear her son of a murder he did not commit. It is also the story of a major crimes investigator who always suspected a relative of being involved in the case, but never came forward with that information


1978 年 09 月 25 日

东洋武士无名客毕生研习剑道,他远涉重洋来到中原,挑战各大门派,先后击败无数武林高手,杀戮甚众,迫使已退隐之中原第一剑客离垢居士出手比试,一决雌雄。 离垢险胜半招,无名含恨而去,誓言七年后卷土重来,但离垢已被震断心脉而死,临终遗言只有武林秘籍凌家剑谱可对付无名客,其时中原正邪两派亦为争夺凌家剑谱以图称霸而引起连番厮杀。

南宫世家长子南宫逸,本为埋剑山庄庄主白乐天门生,钟情于师妹白如霜,但因为揭发师父丑行,而师徒反目。 逸又机绿巧合,拜离垢居士师兄远尘居士为师,学得一身绝顶武功。

逸又与魔教前教主余独行之女余翠翠结缘,被余独行招为女婿,但离垢居士之女伊兰心高气傲,虽被父亲认为不是练上乘武功的才料,但仍偷看离垢遗下的剑谱,练成一身好武功。 她亦钟情于南宫逸,于是与翠翠成为仇敌,又妒忌逸爱的是如霜,伊兰遂多番陷害二人。 逸夹在三女之间,他爱的是如霜,对翠翠充满感激,又关心伊兰,于是常感苦恼。

逸后来成为玉梨花宫掌门,参加五派盟主选举,与师父白乐天争盟主之位。 白乐天因为用卑鄙手段,骗得弟子凌继祖的凌家剑谱,因而武功大进,先后击败成为盟主,但不久即走火入魔成为疯子。


2019 年 07 月 24 日

  罗燃(杜淳 饰)与好友宁羽(代旭 饰)一起追查自己妻子意外死亡的真相。为追踪嫌疑女子江雪(许龄月 饰),两人踏上一辆开往C城的火车。谁知途中火车意外脱轨,百余幸存乘客误入空无一人的废墟之城,与外界彻底失联。城内危机四伏、物资匮乏,幸存者接连不断地死亡或失踪,内忧外患不断挑战着人们的生存极限。一场真实残酷的“生存竞赛" 已悄然开始,阴谋、猜忌、背叛,复杂的人性角力在神秘的空城中惊心上演。

  该剧根据由小松成美所著的以滨崎步的自述为基础的同名小说改编,以1990年代的音乐界为舞台,讲述了被称为“平成歌姬”的歌手AYU和著名制作人“Max Masa”,在音乐界中掀起许多大事件的故事。 自小时候父亲失踪以来,AYU和母亲、祖母一起生活。她一边上高中一边当艺人,在与唱片公司“A VICTORY”的专务MASA相遇后情况开始急剧变化。

2007 年 06 月 25 日

Oben ohne is an Austrian television series. It is about two families of tenants seeking to avoid eviction from their flats.

2015 年 11 月 08 日

该剧是一部以芭蕾舞为背景的黑色剧集,故事主要描述外表华丽光鲜的芭蕾舞世界所隐藏的「肮脏」的幕后秘密。年轻的芭蕾舞演员Claire Robbins(Sarah Hay)如愿加入纽约最富盛名的芭蕾舞剧团,但她有一段不堪回首的往事,这导致她的情感很脆弱,有自毁倾向。她既是个单纯的天真女孩,也是个极具野心的世故女孩。她是个有天赋的舞蹈演员,但她的心魔和过于脱离实际的志向可能驱使她走上一条未知的道路。

1973 年 03 月 25 日

Seven of One was a British comedy series that aired on BBC2 in 1973. Starring Ronnie Barker, 7 of One is a series of seven separate comedies that would serve as possible pilots for sitcoms. Originally it was to be called Six of One, which Barker planned to follow up with another series called Half Dozen of the Other. This was a BBC version of a similar showcase for LWT called Six Dates with Barker created in 1971.

2008 年 10 月 07 日

  因为感觉到自己欠缺了某种制胜的关键因素,“不幸的天才击球手”儿岛弘道,与教练木野崎、投手中根一起,前往冲绳进行特训,在那里他们碰见了了号称赌博棒球从无败迹的谜样的男人——渡久地东亚。   对于东亚的赌球行为深感愤慨的儿岛,提出与东亚进行一场名为"ONE OUTS"比赛——即击球手与投球手的双人对决。结果,身为天才职业击球手的儿岛,竟然惨败给了只有“三流投手”水平的东亚,同时他也深深领略到了这个男人的可怕之处。   经过一段时间的山中修行,儿岛提出要以自己的职业生涯来赌东亚的右手,与东亚再赛一局。第二战中,拼尽全力的儿岛利用规则的漏洞,终于赢了未尝一败的东亚。   “用那边的球棒,打断我的右手吧”,东亚按照约定伸出了自己的右手,却被儿岛紧紧握住:“谁说要打断它?我只说过要你的右手!来职业棒球的世界吧!”   因为儿岛的关系,以投手身份进入LYCAONS球队的东亚,与球队董事、(株)彩珠组会长彩川桓雄定下了每出局一人得到五百万报酬,每失一分支付五千万罚金的疯狂赌约。   只投直球,球速不过120公里的渡久地东亚,到底会给万年B级的弱旅LYCAONS带来怎样的奇迹呢?   以棒球的世界为舞台,上演着超级智力的对决!在ONE OUTS的游戏中无往而不胜的男人——渡久地东亚,直觉?实力?魔术?投出无人能接住的球的秘密到底是——?


2016 年 06 月 02 日

Follow Viewers get unprecedented access to the more than 500 agents of Texas Parks and Wildlife wardens who embark on dangerous missions to apprehend those who commit crimes against nature. The series captures the more than 60,000 arrests each year made by the wardens as they execute undercover stings, work on ongoing investigations and protect their territories.

2022 年 04 月 28 日


2021 年 03 月 23 日


Patrick Huard invites 10 comedians to this unique experience that borders on torture. They will spend six hours together in an enclosed space where it is forbidden to laugh. The last one to laugh will win the contest, as well as $100,000 for the foundation of their choice.

一群喜剧演员出演一部惊心动魄的无剧本剧集,但如果他们的玩笑没有“笑”果,就会被踢出剧集。好戏开场了! ​​​

2023 年 03 月 14 日

Overview from the season

2018 年 01 月 18 日

Following a virus that took the lives of most of the population, John and Micheal have spent their days trying to survive and make sense of their new world. But when they meet the mysterious Karina, who has knowledge of the outside world, their friendship and everything they once knew about the virus and each other will be tested.

One Ok Rock - Eye of the Storm Japan Tour Tracklisting 1. Eye of the Storm 2. Take me to the top 3. We are 4. Taking Off 5. Re:make 6. Can't Wait 7. Clock Strikes 8. Head High 9. Grow Old Die Young 10. Change 11. Worst in Me 12. Be the light 13. In the Stars 14. Instrumental 15. Push Back 16. キ ミ シ ダ イ 列 車 17. じ ぶ ん ROCK 18. Giants 19. The Beginning 20. Mighty Long Fall 21. Wasted Nights 22. Stand Out Fit In 23. 完 全 感 覚 Dreamer

2024 年 01 月 26 日

On a rainy night, Jaanu returns home after shopping, only to encounter strange and eerie happenings, questioning if there's an evil presence, presenting challenges that she must navigate to overcome the hurdles thrown her way.

2024 年 01 月 11 日

Jean-Philippe Dion goes back in time by focusing on the journey of investigative journalist Gaétan Girouard, 25 years after his death which shook Quebec.

在与红骷髅的殊死决斗后,美国队长(克里斯·埃文斯 Chris Evans 饰)驾驶着失控的飞机坠毁在茫茫冰原之上。最后的关头,他向佩吉·卡特(海莉·阿特维尔 Hayley Atwell 饰)告别,彼此生死相别。一年后,佩吉被安排在清冷的部门,完全不受重用。虽然她向上司自荐,怎奈对方完全不拿她当回事儿。某天晚上,佩吉被留在办公室加班,这时电话响起,对方说已经锁定十二宫的位置,对方携带杀伤力强大的武器,请求特工局派出探员支持。佩吉没有报告上司,而是独自一人前往目的地。夜幕之下,这位果敢女子勇闯虎穴……

2013 年 01 月 20 日


2014 年 02 月 07 日


2024 年 06 月 01 日

A quest begins to find an ancient dial that controls the skies.

1992 年 03 月 27 日


同往年一样,索菲小姐邀请了四位朋友参加她的生日晚宴:托比爵士、海军上将冯•施耐德、波莫洛伊先生和温特伯顿先生。但每年的邀请都会涉及到一件小小的不便:索菲“小姐”已经九十高龄,而她这四位最好的朋友早已先她而去——25年前,她为最后一位好友送了葬,但她仍旧不愿取消她的生日晚 宴。由于诸位先生出于可以理解的原因无法亲身到场,他们将由管家詹姆斯来代替。至于这场“单人晚宴”的流程,“和每年一样的安排”。(小易甫字幕组)

2024 年 05 月 05 日

Post-Apocalyptic England. Andy, who recently lost his brother, is chased down by a group of old friends. He is forced to hide in an abandoned home, which to his surprise has a crazed alcoholic living in it.

1991 年 05 月 03 日

When his partner is killed in the line of duty, Artie Lewis becomes the legal guardian of his three orphaned girls. But during his investigation of the case, Lewis finds his life – and that of his newfound family – on the line. That's when the guilty crime-lord comes face to face with one man's rage, one man's fury, one man's justice.

2021 年 12 月 10 日

Meg, a music manager, travels from New York to London to manage a boy band, Five Together, and find them a Christmas number one to bolster their flagging career. She finds a song on the internet posted by an ailing thirteen-year-old girl, Nina, and tries to obtain permission to have the song re-recorded by Five Together, but she discovers she has competition from the songwriter, Nina’s uncle Blake. What follows is a romantic comedy about two worlds colliding – with a young woman at the centre who desperately wants her uncle to find love and for his song to hit the number one spot by Christmas Day.

2003 年 05 月 18 日

Kassa a free-wheelin rasta man, falls for a straight laced gospel singer Serena, when they both meet as they enter a music contest. Serena's father the pastor forbids her to see him and wants her to marry one of his church members. Meanwhile the record boss organizing the contest, tries to get Kassa's band to sign to his label on his terms not theirs. By using heavy tactics, he pushes the band to fight back.

One Ok Rock 2016 日本 渚园演唱会

2024 年 01 月 18 日

An Afghan mother and a US filmmaker, connected through one stray bullet, forge a surprising friendship amidst America's longest war.

2004 年 03 月 19 日

Simon 是一个计算机程序师,一天早晨他醒来发现他的公寓里有一个简单的褐色包裹。 他打开它,但是里面什么也没有。

2017 年 04 月 13 日

Examines the life and career of John Calipari, one of the most polarizing figures in modern college basketball, weaving his story around that of his 2015–16 Kentucky team.

2024 年 05 月 23 日

Sugar-baby Izzie must overcome a barrage of judgement from four wanna-be socialites, all whilst fighting for their claim to a dead vicar’s inheritance. But there’s more tying them together than it would initially seem.

1954 年 04 月 30 日

The year is 1940 and Pilot Officer T.B. Baird arrives straight out of flight school to join a front line RAF squadron at the height of the Battle of Britain. After an unfortunate start and a drumming down from his commanding officer, Baird must balance the struggle to impress his Group Captain, regain his pride, fit in with his fellow pilots, and survive one of the most intense air battles in history.





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