Black Adam (2022)

Scritto da Per Gunnar Jonsson il 13 aprile, 2023

I quite enjoyed this movie. Given the story (some superhero wakes up 5000 year later) I was a bit afraid that it would be a lot of unintelligent Hollywood slapstick humor with Black Adam trying to adapt to modern society. There where a little bit of that but, luckily, not too much.

I did actually have some hopes for this movie given that those woke intellectual midgets that the rubbish site Rotten Tomatoes calls critics gave it a rotten rating whereas the actual audience gave it a near 90% fresh rating.

Overall it is a decent story without too many ludicrous elements in it. It works pretty well from start to finish.

The Rock is, well, he is The Rock which is good. He did play a more serious character in this movie than he has done in many of his movies though. Pierce Brosnan (I actually didn’t recognize him at first) worked very well as Dr Fate. The rest of the characters was okay but nothing to write home about.

It is a superhero movie so of course there were plenty of special effects, CGI and action. That is really the main reason to watch these movies and I enjoyed every moment of it. Especially when Black Adams let loose.

The action is sometimes quite violent actually with limbs and heads flying. I don’t mind at all. There are way too many movies that some Hollywood bean counter has forced the producers/directors to ruin because they thought it would appeal to a larger audience. Well, then pick a story that is made for that audience you stupid morons.

As usual the mid credits scene hinted that there would be more movies with Black Adams and, as long as they keep The Rock as Black Adams in them I can certainly see myself watch more Black Adams.