Doctor Strange (2016)

Rédigée par CinemaSerf le 28 mars 2022

"Stephen Strange" (Benedict Cumberbatch) is a brilliant neurosurgeon who is involved in a terrible car accident. Frustrated by his new-found limitations he travels to the Himalayas where he is schooled in the mystic arts by Tilda Swinton. Together with her associate "Mordo" (Chiwetel Ejiofor) they must learn to work to thwart the ambitions of "Kaecilius" and his henchmen who are serving the powerful "Dormammu" who wishes to destroy the three Sanctums on the Earth that protect humanity from his dominance. It does take a while to get going this, and Cumberbatch's accent takes some getting used to, but once the period of initiation and learning is underway, we are presented with a well paced, magical adventure film that marries a decent script with some gorgeous visual effects, a slightly more cerebral storyline and leaves us in no doubt that this is just the first instalment for this developing super-hero. Cumberbatch grows into the role, and Swinton is effective as his slightly ethereal mentor. It comes in at the slightly shorter end of the MCU movies spectrum, and that's a good thing too.