The Expanse (2015)

Written by Dean on January 21, 2020

If you're having a hard time to sleep and your sleeping pills don't work, you gotta try this TV show. It will work with 100%.

I was told that it's a great TV show, a bit slow, but would get better and to not give up… So I started watching it and episodes were very dull. I was dragging with it. So shallow, so dull, so boring... None of the characters seem to be interesting. Same can be said about plot. Episodes were so dull that I was almost falling asleep. They were so uninteresting that I didn't even remember them. Production seemed cheap too with the same locations… It felt like that whole show was shot in one room.

I tried to not give up, I tried it hard and made it to whole one season, but now I'm giving up to continue watching this crap show & I regret that I wasted my precious time on it. And I'm not one of those people who dislike SCI-FI. I liked Prometheus a lot, I liked Alien a lot and I like some good SCI-FI movies, but this TV show isn't definitely of them.