The OA (2016)

Written by Abro on April 16, 2018

The OA Is Not For Everyone

This review is just for the first season, Netflix has renewed it for a second season and it's not hard to see why. Not many shows have generated discussion like this and i think Netflix appreciates a show that has high viewership and large debate.

The debate interestingly isn't just fan theories and character motivations or speculation on whats to come but also whether or not the show sucks. Which goes back to the heading The OA isn't for everyone.

Brit Marling plays Prairie Johnson a blind woman who returns to her home town after resurfacing seven years after being kidnapped with her eyesight restored and now calling herself The OA. From there a genuinely intriguing science fiction/fantasy mystery unfolds through flashbacks alongside some humdrum small town/highschool drama that occurs in the present with the enigmatic Prairie in the middle of it.

I think The OA should be treated like an eight hour movie rather than an eight episode TV show. Whether or not you love or hate the OA won't be up to the first couple of episodes it will really come down to the final five minutes of the final episode SPOILERS KINDA which at best is utterly ridiculous or at worst (keeping recent history in mind) downright offensive to some.

Like most of Brit Marling's work its very intriguing and worth taking a look at, it will stay with you for a while as you mull it over in your head.